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Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations


Code: BBAB-R1

Status: Active


A.        Appointment to Committees

            Student representatives will be appointed, as appropriate, by the Chair of the School Committee to subcommittees, task forces, advisory groups, or ad hoc committees.


B.        Attendance and Participation at Committee Meetings

            Student representatives are encouraged to attend all public meetings of the School Committee and other committees that they have been appointed to and will be notified of the time and place of the meetings by the Assistant to the Superintendent.  Participation in School Committee meetings shall be open to the student representatives, who are invited and urged to make comments and inquiries pertinent to the subject under discussion, and to propose ideas and suggestions, upon being recognized to do so by the Committee Chair.


            Executive Sessions of the School Committee and its subcommittees are not open to student representatives.  No confidential information or documents will be provided to student representatives.


            Student representatives may not vote in meetings of the School Committee but may vote in other committees to which they have been appointed by the Committee Chair.  At School Committee meetings, the preferences of the student representatives will be recorded in the minutes along with the official votes of the School Committee itself.


C.        Procedures for Access to the Committee Agenda

            In order to provide increased opportunities for more effective linkages between student thinking and Committee action, the Superintendent and Committee Chair will schedule periodic meetings with the representatives for discussion of mutual issues and concerns.


The School Committee deliberates its business from the larger perspective of how the entire district will be affected.  All formal recommendations regarding school affairs at a particular school must be made through the school principal to the Superintendent and, if necessary, through the Superintendent to the School Committee.  Recommendations either district-wide in nature or affecting more than one school must be made through the Superintendent or committee chairperson to be considered by the School Committee as deemed appropriate by its Chair.