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Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations


Code: BCA

Status: Active

Adopted: April 6, 2006

 Last Revised: June 10, 2014

As elected members of the Portland Board of Public Education, we accept the high honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of this district receive a high quality pre-kindergarten through adult education. In accepting this role, we hold the pursuit of that goal as our duty. To that end, we hereby commit to the following in the conduct of our business. We will:


A. Place the interests of students above all others in every decision that we make;

B. Uphold all applicable federal and state laws and regulations;

C. Abide by the policies of the Board, and work with fellow governance team members to change those policies as needed to improve student learning;

D. Maintain Board focus on the achievement of all students regardless of race, class, ethnicity, or gender;

E. Not use our positions for personal or partisan gain;

F. Model continuous learning in our roles as members of the governance team;

G. Maintain a strategic plan for the district that clearly defines success and accountability for the Board, the staff, and our students;

H. Focus on the policy work of the Board and monitor progress on established indicators of success, leaving the day-to-day operation of the district to the superintendent and staff;

I. Base our decision upon available facts, vote our convictions, avoid bias, and uphold and support the decisions of the majority of the Board once a decision is made;

J. Work to build trust between and among Board members and the superintendent by treating everyone with dignity and respect, even in times of disagreement;

K. Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information including that shared in executive sessions of the board;

L. Recognize that authority rests only with majority decisions of the Board and will make no independent commitments or take any independent actions that may compromise the Board as a whole;

M. Refer constituent complaints and concerns to the appropriate person within the district administration;

N. Welcome and encourage cooperation and participation by teachers, administrators, and other personnel in developing policies that affect their welfare and that of the children they serve;

O. Welcome and encourage active participation by citizens, organizations, and the news media with respect to establishing policy operation of Portland Public Schools and proposed future developments;

P. Endeavor at all times to see that schools have adequate financial support within the capabilities of the community and state, in order that every child may receive the best possible education;

Q. Endeavor to attend every regular and special Board meeting recognizing that our presence means representation for our city. If we find this is not possible for an extended length of time, we will give consideration to resigning from our position on the Board pursuant to the Portland City Charter and School Board policy;

R. Recognize at all times that the School Board of which we are members is an agent of the state, and as such, we will abide by the laws of the state and the regulations formulated by the Maine Department of Education and by the State Board of Education; and

S. Respect the leadership roles of the Board chair and Superintendent.

We will maintain fidelity to these commitments and will be held accountable by our fellow Board members should any one of us fail to live up to these commitments.


______________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Board Member                               Date 


BCA - Portland Board of Public Education Member Code of Ethics.pdf (10 KB)