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BCF-R- Regulations of Advisory Panels or Committees to the Board of Education

Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations

Title: Regulations of Advisory Panels or Committees to the Board of Education

Code: BCF-R

Status: Active

Adopted: August 6, 2019

I. Membership

The Portland Board of Public Education (the Board) is responsible for the citizen advisory panels or committees and their membership. The Appointments Committee is responsible for working with staff liaisons to actively recruit new members when necessary. At a minimum, the Appointments Committee with the Office of Communications will publicize any committee vacancies each January and September.

Advisory panels or committees will be established by a resolution and voted on by the Board including the number of members and the membership composition. Members of these panels or committees will serve without compensation, and shall commit to attending all meetings each year unless absences are excused by the committee chair or co-chair.

Each advisory panel or committee shall represent the broad range of knowledge, skills, interests and perspectives needed to accomplish the work of the committee.

When the Appointments Committee is reviewing applications or recruiting new members to fill a vacancy, the Committee shall consider:

  1. The different age groups served by the schools (e.g., preschool, elementary, middle, high school);
  2. A membership that reflects the schools and community in terms of diversity, gender ability and geography, including traditionally under-represented groups needed to bring perspective and/or inform the work of the committee; and
  3. A sufficient range of backgrounds and viewpoints, including students, parents, educators as well as other professional expertise that is directly relevant to the work of the committee.

Advisory committee members shall be residents of the City of Portland or employees of the Portland Public Schools. The Board may waive the residency requirement on an individual basis.

II. Application Process

Applicants must apply for open positions using the Appointments Committee membership application. To apply, individuals must fill out the application and submit it to the Chair of the Appointments Committee. It is essential that applicants provide complete and legible answers to all questions. The Appointments Committee will not accept an application if complete answers are not provided.

Applications will be reviewed by the Appointments Committee and the staff liaison, and, if necessary, the Superintendent or Board Chair.

Once the Appointments Committee finalizes its membership pr member decision, the Board will then vote on applicants at a scheduled Board meeting. Applicants will be placed on the Board agenda for approval. Board members may pull applicants from consent for discussion.

Applicants will be contacted by the Appointments Chair no later than one week after the Board vote regarding the results of the vote. Newly selected advisory committee members will be emailed contact information for the Advisory Committee Chair (and co-chair). Applicants not selected have the option to apply for a future opening or the option to keep their application active until there is an opening.

The Board will act on committee membership applications within a timely manner.

Application Questions for Advisory Panels or Committees:

  1. Date of application.
  2. Name of advisory committee on which you are seeking membership;
  3. Your name;
  4. Your home address, phone numbers, and email address;
  5. Members of your family, including students at home and the schools they are attending;
  6. Summary of work and practical experience;
  7. Reasons for requesting membership on the committee;
  8. Potential contributions to the committee;
  9. Past community involvement;
  10. Have you applied for another Board committee within the past six months? If so, to which committee did you apply?
  11. Have you served in the past on Board advisory committees? If so, when, and for how long?
  12. Are you currently a member of any other Board advisory committees?


III. Meetings

Meetings of the advisory committees and their workgroups are held in public, consistent with the requirements of Maine law and Board policies.

Committee meetings are scheduled by the Advisory Committee Chair. Meetings will be announced at least three days prior to the meeting, to allow for public notice.

Agendas, presentations, and any documents for distribution at the meeting are made available to Board members and Advisory Committee members at least three days prior to committee meetings.

Written meeting minutes will be made public once approved by a quorum of the committee.

IV. Quorum

If a panel or committee cannot secure a quorum for three consecutive meetings, the Advisory Chair shall communicate that to the Board Chair and Superintendent. A quorum shall equal a simple majority of all serving committee members. Any vacancies on the committee shall not be included in the calculation of a quorum.


Adopted: August 6, 2019


Legal Refs.:

Cross References: BCF – Advisory Panels or Committee to the Board of Education


Cross References

BCF - Advisory Panels or Committees to the Board of Education

BCF-R Regulations of Advisory Panels or Committees to the School Board.pdf (407 KB)


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