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Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations


Code: BDE

Status: Active

Adopted: February 6, 1984

Last Revised: June 21, 2022

Previously Revised: 5/29/91; 8/26/92; 3/20/96; 10/16/96; 6/19/02; 2/9/05; 12/2/09; 6/12/12; 11/5/13; 11/15/16




Standing committees, special committees, and citizen advisory panels may be formed by the Portland Board of Public Education (Board) as deemed necessary to study specific areas of operations or education. Any such entities may make recommendations for Board action, but may not act for the Board in implementing action or policy without such authorization prescribed in this policy. Appointments of Board members, to standing committees will be made by the Chair of the Board. Appointments to task forces and citizen advisory panels will be made by the Appointments Committee when directed to do so by Board resolution. The establishment or reformation of standing committees must be made by amendment of this policy and passed by two-thirds vote.




All Standing Committees will be made up of Board members and, as appointed by the Superintendent, staff by Central Office team members.


A.         Finance/Personnel


The Finance/Personnel Committee shall be responsible for conducting workshops and hearings on the school budget; recommending the budget to the full Board and the City Council; and overseeing the School Department’s budget and financial status throughout the year. The Committee reviews and recommends to the Board salaries, benefits, and policies for non- represented employees; develops personnel policies for review and recommends to the Board for approval; designs and implements the superintendent’s evaluation process in conjunction with the Board Chair.


B.           Curriculum and Educational Planning


The Curriculum and Educational Planning Committee regularly reviews the District’s practices related to the development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum policies, models of learning and educational instruction. It reviews and recommends policies that promote the sharing of best practices in curriculum, assessment, and instruction across the District. It regularly reviews State actions to ensure that the District’s current practices comply with State statutes, and it makes recommendations to the Finance Committee and the full Board about how resources can best be allocated across the District to ensure equitable access to curriculum resources in accordance with the District’s vision.


C.           Operations


The Operations Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Board policies affecting transportation, facilities, food service, technology, and co-curricular programs, and shall make recommendations to the Board on these and other matters referred to it by the Board. The Operations Committee also monitors the implementation of district policies, through periodic updates from staff on related activities and plans.



D.             Appointments


The Appointments Committee will recommend candidates to serve on special committees or citizen advisory boards, when directed to do so through a resolution passed by the Board. The committee will submit lists of candidates to the Board for approval. Special committees Task Forces generally establish short-term goals and are automatically disbanded once such have been reached, and the recommendations are received by the Board.


E.        Policy/Legislative Affairs


This Committee regularly reviews Board policies, develops new policies as needed, and recommends them to the Board for approval. The Committee keeps current on relevant legislative issues, develops resolutions, and reports regularly to the Board. Individual Board members shall not use their position as a member of the Portland Board of Public Education to speak for the Board in municipal or legislative matters unless empowered by the Board to do so.


F.         Public Affairs


The Public Affairs Committee’s purpose is to build community engagement and connection to Board work by facilitating opportunities for the committee and board members to listen, take feedback from, and connect with the community. The committee will work to build awareness in the community to explain opportunities to interact with the Board. The Public Affairs Committee meets on an as-needed basis. The Committee’s purpose is to conduct outreach meetings throughout the year.


G.        Other


The Board Chair shall appoint Board members to other committees as required by state statute such as:


A.     Dropout Prevention Task Force

B.     Coordinated School Health Program Steering Committee




The Board recognizes the importance of a strong working relationship with the City Council on issues of common or overlapping interest. For standing committees that cover topics of mutual interest or jurisdiction with the city. The Board shall seek opportunities to create joint committees with the City Council. Such joint committees shall meet periodically to discuss relevant topics and conduct appropriate oversight of staff activities. The formation of joint committees is subject to Board approval.




The Board may create one or more citizen advisory panels to explore specific issues of interest to the Board and the school district, to identify options for Board consideration, and to advise the


Board on topics facing the school district. Citizen advisory panels shall not have final decision- making authority. The charge, length of service, and membership appointment procedure for a citizen advisory panel shall be established through a resolution passed by the Board. Membership may include a combination of staff, public, professionals, and parents as well as Board members. Appointments made to the panel will be made by the Appointments Committee.




In addition to committees and advisory groups to the Board, Board members may serve as representatives to external groups created by the city. Board involvement is specified in City Charter or City Council orders. The Board Chair shall appoint representatives to appropriate external groups, pursuant to the relevant requirements.




Adopted:   February 6, 1984


Revised:    5/29/91; 8/26/92; 3/20/96; 10/16/96; 6/19/02; 2/9/05; 12/2/09; 6/12/12; 11/5/13; 11/15/16; 6/21/22



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