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Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations


Code: BEDB

Status: Active

Adopted: February 6, 1984

Last Revised: December 8, 2015


Agenda Preparation and Dissemination


The Superintendent in consultation with the Chair, shall prepare and agenda for each meeting of the Board.


The agenda shall include items that the Board plans to address in performing its duties as the governing body of the school unit in accordance with Maine law and Board policies. The agenda will be distributed to Board members, the media, and to designated school-affiliated organizations no later than five days prior to a regular meeting of the Board and no later than three days (72 hours) prior to a special meeting. Copies of the agenda will be posted and/or available on the Portland Public Schools website and at Central Office. Anyone desiring additional information regarding an agenda item should direct inquiries to the Office of the Superintendent. Copies of the agenda will also be available at the Board meeting.


In the case of an emergency meeting, notice of the agenda will be given as early as practicable and will be provided to the media at the same time and in the same manner that it is given to Board members.


Requests for Agenda Items


Board members, school unit staff, groups or organizations, and members of the public may submit written requests to the Board through the Chair or the Superintendent for items to be placed on the agenda. To be considered for placement on the agenda, an item must be within the scope of the Board’s duties, timely, and appropriate for consideration under all applicable laws and Board policies. The request must be received a minimum of seven days prior to the meeting at which the group or individual wishes the item to be addressed by the Board in order for it to be considered for the agenda of that meeting. The Chair and Superintendent shall make the final decision regarding placement of items on the agenda


Dissemination of Supporting Materials


As an accompaniment to the agenda, the Superintendent will provide to the Board such background materials (including Executive Summaries) and data that in his/her judgment are necessary for the Board to give informed consideration to agenda items. The Superintendent will also provide to the Board the draft minutes of Board meetings that will be presented for approval. Documents containing information that is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Access Act or other law shall be marked “confidential.” Such information shall not be disclosed by Board members or the Superintendent or provided to the media or the public. Requests for disclosure of materials received by Board members should be referred to the Superintendent.


Additions and Adjustments to the Agenda


After the meeting has been called to order, the Superintendent or Board Chair may recommend additions and/or adjustments to the agenda of a regular meeting or, unless otherwise prohibited by Board policy, to the agenda of a special meeting.


Additions and adjustments to the agenda do not apply to an emergency meeting of the Board because such a meeting is ordinarily called for the purpose of addressing a single matter that requires immediate action.


Any Board member whose request to add an agenda item that has been denied by the Board Chair may offer a motion to place that item on the agenda. Such a motion shall require a second to proceed to a vote. The item should be within the scope of the Board’s duties, timely, and appropriate for consideration under all applicable laws and Board policies.


All additions to the agenda must be approved by a majority vote of the members present and voting.


In order to facilitate its business or to accommodate groups in attendance, the Board may adjust the agenda by changing the order of business. Such adjustments shall require the consent of the Board by majority vote. 


Cross References



BEDB - Agenda.pdf (10 KB)


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