Book: B
Section: Board Governance and Operations
Code: BED
Status: Active
Adopted: August 3, 2021
Last Revised: October 1, 2024
The Portland Board of Public Education (the Board) believes that remote participation in Board meetings by Board members and the public provides an alternative to in-person meetings and allows more flexibility for public participation and input into the Board’s operations. As a result, this policy is designed to outline the manner in which remote participation in Board meetings by Board members and the public will occur.
The Board allows members of the Board to participate in a public meeting of the Board by remote methods in appropriate circumstances as provided in 1 MRSA §403-B.
For the purpose of this policy, “public meeting” refers to a business meeting of the full Portland Board of Public Education and does not include committee meetings.
For the purpose of this policy, “remote methods” means telephonic or video technology allowing simultaneous reception of information and may also include other means necessary to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities. Remote participation by members cannot be by text-only means such as email, text messages, or chat functions.
Members of the Board are expected to be physically present for meetings except when being physically present is not practicable.
Circumstances in which physical presence for public meetings is not practicable include:
1. The existence of an emergency or other issue that requires the Board itself to meet by remote methods.
a. An emergency may be a State-declared emergency, where there has been a declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor that applies to the school unit, or a local emergency (e.g., adverse weather conditions) or urgent issue requiring Board action.
b. The Board Chair, in consultation with the Superintendent, will determine whether it is appropriate to hold a remote meeting of the Board.
2. A circumstance requiring an individual Board member to participate remotely even though the Board itself conducts an in-person meeting.
a. Such circumstances include illness, concerns of contagion, or other physical condition; temporary absence from the area governed by the Board that causes the Board member to face significant difficulties traveling to the designated physical location of the Board meeting; or other situation which, in the Board member’s discretion, make in-person participation impracticable while meaningful remote participation remains possible.
b. In the event a Board member cannot attend a meeting in person but can participate remotely, the Board member should notify the Board Chair as far in advance of the meeting as possible.
c. Board members are expected to demonstrate the same level of engagement during a meeting whether they are attending in-person or participating remotely.
A member of the Board who participates remotely in a public meeting of the Board is considered present for purposes of a quorum and voting. All votes taken during a public meeting of the Board using remote methods must be taken by roll call vote that can been seen and heard if using video technology, and heard if using only audio technology, by the other members of the Board and the public.
The opportunity for the public to comment at Board meetings (20-A MRSA §1002(20)) applies to remote public meetings. Board meeting notices (1 MRSA §406) will include information on how members of the public may access the meeting using remote methods. The notice will also identify a location for members of the public to attend in person if such option is available to Board members (i.e., except for under the conditions in subparagraph 1 above for emergency or urgent issue meetings).
Members of the public participating in public meetings of the Board are expected to comply with the guidelines for public participation provided in the Board’s policy BEDH, or in such rules as the Board may develop specifically for remote meetings. Individuals with disabilities seeking a reasonable accommodation should contact the Superintendent’s office as far in advance of the Board meeting as practicable.
The Board will make all documents and other materials to be considered by the Board available, electronically or otherwise, to members of the public who attend remotely to the same extent customarily available to members of the public who attend public meetings of the Board in person.
Legal Reference: 1 MRSA § 403-B, 406 20 MRSA §1001
Cross Reference: BEC – Executive Session
BE – Board Meetings
BEDB – Agenda
BEDD – Rules of Order
BEDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings
BIC – Board Member Training
KEB –Complaints About School Personnel
Adopted: August 3, 2021
Revised: October 1, 2024
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