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Book: B

Section: Board Governance and Operations


Code: BEDH

Status: Active

Adopted: April 26, 2006

Last Revised: June 20, 2023

Prior Revised Dates: June 2, 2015, January 19, 2021

The Portland School Board highly values the participation of Portland Public Schools students, staff, family members, and the broader Portland community in its decision making and oversight of the school district.


There are two main ways that the public can participate in school board meetings:


(1)  during a general public comment period early in the agenda of each regular business meeting, for issues not being voted on at that meeting; and


(2)  before each vote the Board takes on substantive, non-personnel agenda items at each regular business meeting.


During the general public comment period at regular school board meetings, members of the public may speak on any subject directly related to the operations of the schools, except for personnel matters or complaints concerning specific employees or students, which shall be addressed through established policies and procedures. The board will not entertain public comment about specific individuals. Such matters should be referred to the appropriate administrator.

During the public comment period prior to the Board voting on an agenda item at regular school board meetings, members of the public wishing to speak must limit their comments to the agenda item being considered. 

All public comments are limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes or six minutes for individuals using an interpreter to make their comment. Individuals may not relinquish a portion of their allotted time to another speaker. The time limits in this paragraph may be modified at a particular meeting at the discretion of the Board Chair.

In addition, the Board aims to provide an opportunity for the public to comment at its committee meetings, consistent with the procedures outlined in this policy.

The Board Chair is responsible for ensuring the orderly conduct of Board meetings and for ensuring compliance with this policy, including the following rules of order:


a.    Speakers will be recognized by the Board Chair, and comments should be addressed to the Board Chair.


b.    Speakers must refrain from engaging in disruptive conduct, including, but not limited to using vulgar and/or obscene language, threatening others using words or by other actions, using pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender or other identity factor, making defamatory comments, exceeding the allotted time limits, talking over or interrupting others, offering repetitive comments, and offering comment on matters unrelated to the school district’s programs, policies, or operations.


c.    Any concerns about personnel matters and/or student matters should be directed to the Superintendent or another appropriate administrator outside of Board meetings, and in the case of concerns about the Superintendent to the Board, so that they can be addressed through an alternative channel and in a manner consistent with privacy, confidentiality, and due process rights of the individuals involved.


d.    The Board Chair will stop any public comment that is contrary to these rules.


e.    Individuals who refuse to comply with the direction of the Board Chair may be asked to leave in order to allow the Board to conduct its business in an orderly manner.


Cross References

KEB – Complaints About School Personnel


BEDH 1.21.pdf (52 KB)



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