Book: C
Section: General School Administration
Code: CBI-R1
Status: Active
Please rate the Superintendent according to the following scale, based on the definitions below. Please add narrative comments whenever possible. You must include a narrative for any rating of poor or outstanding. |
Rating categories: O = Poor: Performance does not meet expectations 1 = Needs improvement: Below average performance; improvement necessary to achieve satisfactory performance. 2 = Satisfactory: Performance is adequate 3 = Good: Performance meets and sometimes exceeds expectations. 4 = Outstanding: Uncommon performance which consistently exceeds expectations. N = Not observed: Evaluator has not had the opportunity to observe this characteristic. |
1. Communication –Able to communicate clearly with staff, parents, students and community, both verbally and in writing.
2. Community Relations – Recognizes the importance of both stimulating and considering community needs/wants regarding education. Demonstrates ability to involve the community in developing and implementing goals. Views the community/school relationship as a partnership.
3. Curriculum - Strong commitment to leading the effort to define and deliver an effective, consistent curriculum K-12.
4. School/Community Involvement - Visible in the schools. Aware of current issues and activities in the schools, and shows an interest in community affairs.
Able to motivate, lead, guide, and direct people. Committed to implementing the Leadership –5. Mission and Vision Statement and strategic plan of the school system.
6. Diversity and Equity – Sets a strategic direction that supports diversity, equity and inclusion for staff and students by recommending, developing, implementing and managing positive actions.
7. Organizational Management – Uses a systematic approach to managing and improving the schools. Excellent organization skills, working knowledge of school law, and proven ability to resolve organizational conflicts. |
8. Personnel Management - Excellent people skills. Ability to recruit and retain high quality staff. Strong personnel management practices including annual performance reviews where appropriate and understanding of collective bargaining issues.
9. School Facility Management – Good understanding of facilities management, including development of long-term maintenance plans and capital resource planning and management.
10. School Finance/Budgeting – Strong working knowledge of school finance, including budget development and management. Ability to effectively communicate with the Portland School Committee, staff, community and local municipal officials about budget/finance issues. Clear understanding of federal, state, and local funding issues.
11. School Improvement – Supervise and evaluate school programs in the spirit of continuous improvement; understanding of educational practices, research, and national/state/local initiatives, including Maine’s Learning Results; and ability to frame issues for discussion, reach timely decisions and implement change.
12. Staff Development – Commitment to fostering continuous staff improvement emphasizing both system-wide and individual development. |
13. Superintendent/Committee Relations – Understands that the Superintendent is responsible for management of the schools under the Portland School Committee’s policies and is accountable to the Portland School Committee. Maintains open communication with the Portland School Committee. Performs all duties required by federal and state statutes and regulations and implements Portland School Committee policies.
14. Supervision/Evaluation – Understands the importance of accountability for staff and self. Uses an evaluation process that establishes clear performance standards and follows through to resolve performance issues. |
Represents school system issues for decision-making bodies, including the Maine Department of Education, the Maine State Legislature and its subcommittees, the Governor’s Office, and local City and County councils and committees. Meets when necessary with Effective lobbying for School System interests –15. Portland’s Representative delegation, including City Councilors, State senators and representatives, and U.S. Congressional and Senate representatives. Appropriate delegation of lobbying efforts is acceptable in some circumstances.
16. Success in meeting the Superintendent’s goals for the period from _________ to__________ which are listed on the attached memo. |
17. Overall performance – in leading school department |
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CBI - Evaluation of the Superintendent.pdf (48 KB)
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