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DA - Multi-Year Budgeting and Fiscal Management Goals

Book: D

 Section: Fiscal Management

 Title: Multi-Year Budgeting and Fiscal Management Goals

 Code: DA

 Status: Active

 Adopted: February 6, 1984

Last Revised: February 26, 2015




The School Board adopted a multi-year budgeting framework by Resolution on July 8, 2009. The Board believes that the traditional single-year school budgeting process does not provide adequate opportunity for the Portland Public Schools (“Schools”) to anticipate and respond to changes in local, state and federal financial conditions and priorities, including fluctuations in state aid, property and tax reassessments, reapportionments, unfunded state and federal mandates, delayed state budget projections and other factors beyond the control of local school boards.


The goals of the multi-year budgeting framework are to enable the Schools to engage in sound long-range financial, academic and strategic planning; to improve accountability to the public for the use and allocation of scarce financial resources; and to support the Schools’ Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Board.  This process is intended to improve financial stability, and to provide the information necessary to improve programs and services.


The multi-year budget submitted by the Superintendent to the Board shall encompass the budget year at the time of submission and the next four budget years.   The Board shall incorporate the multi-year budget into its comprehensive planning.


Legal Reference:         Portland City Charter, Article III (7/1/2011)


Cross Reference:         DBC – School Budget Adoption

                                 DIC – Budget Oversight and Administration

                                 DI – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

                                 Portland School Board Resolution Establishing a Multi-Year Budgeting Framework for the Portland Public Schools (7/8/2009)


Adopted:         February 6, 1984


Revised:         August 26, 1992; November 9, 2011, February 26, 2015



Portland City Charter, Article III (7/1/2011)


Cross References

Portland School Board Resolution Establishing a Multi-Year Budgeting Framework for the Portland Public Schools (7/8/2009)

DI – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

DIC – Budget Oversight and Administration

DBC – School Budget Adoption

DA - Multi-Year Budgeting and Fiscal Management Goals.pdf (15 KB)