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DJG - Vendor Relations

Book: D

Section: Fiscal Management

Title: Vendor Relations

Code: DJG

Status: Active

Adopted: February 6, 1984

Last Revised: November 15, 2016


In all procurement activities, agents of the Portland Board of Public Education shall:


A.        Consider first the interests of the school system and the betterment of its educational program;


B.        Endeavor to obtain the greatest value for every tax dollar expended;


C.        Give all responsible bidders equal consideration and assurance of unbiased judgment in determining whether their product meets specifications and the educational needs of the school system;


D.        Prohibit the acceptance of gifts which in any way might influence the purchase of school supplies and equipment;


E.         Refrain from soliciting funds or materials from vendors, however worthy the purpose;


G.        Refrain from purchasing supplies, equipment, or services from a city employee,* a member of the household of a city employee,* a member of the the Board, City Council, or other member of an elected city board;


H.        Employees shall not endorse products or services in a manner that will identify them as employees of the district; and


I.          The Portland Public Schools shall not knowingly purchase apparel, footwear, or textiles produced by child labor, forced labor, or in violation of the Maine State Purchasing Code of Conduct as defined in 5 MRSA § 1825-L.


*includes both school and municipal


Adopted:        February 6, 1984


Revised:         August 26, 1992; April 3, 2002; August 6, 2003; November 15, 2016


DJG - Vendor Relations.pdf (8 KB)


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