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EBCC-R - Bomb Threats - Administrative Procedures

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Bomb Threats - Administrative Procedures

Code: EBCC-R

Status: Active


The principal shall be responsible for:

  • Implementing use of bomb threat checklist;
  • Developing a visual search plan for the building;
  • Developing and maintaining an evacuation plan (fire drill evacuation or other); and
  • Informing all building personnel of their responsibility in the event of evacuation and/or search.

A.        Principal will implement use of a bomb threat checklist (see attached) optional:

            1.         Training for phone – use police department resource; and

            2.         Install tabletop tape recorder to record bomb threats.


B.        Principal will call the police department (911) to report a bomb threat.


C.        Principal will evacuate the building.


If a fire alarm is used to signal evacuation, principal will call the fire dispatcher (911) and inform him/her that the alarm is being used to evacuate the school building because of a bomb threat.


D.        Principal will notify the Superintendent’s Office about the bomb threat and evacuation.


E.         The police department will make a routine response.


F.         The police officer will confer with the principal to determine if a building search is needed. A decision to search will be made by the investigating officer and his/her supervisor.


G.        The police will coordinate and conduct a building search along with the building administrator. The building search plan will be implemented.


H.        Upon an “All Clear,” the fire department will reset the alarm system back to normal if needed.


I.          The police department and the principal will confer about the safety of the building. The principal will consult with the Superintendent or designee about the return of students to the building or about student dismissal. The principal supervises the process of student return or dismissal.


In the event of student dismissal, the principal consults with the Superintendent’s Office about communicating within the school and the community, transportation, food services, and other related services or events that are planned for that day.


J.         The principal communicates the schedule that is needed for the rest of the day and debriefs staff, students, and parents as appropriate.


K.        The Superintendent shall be responsible for reporting any bomb threat to the Department of Education within two business days of the incident. Reports will include the name of the school, the date and time of the threat, the medium used to communicate the threat, and whether or not the perpetrators have been apprehended.


EBCC-R - Bomb Threats - Administrative Guidelines.pdf (18 KB)