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EBCF - Automated External Debifrillators (AED)

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Automated External Debifrillators (AED)

Code: EBCF

Status: Active

Adopted: August 22, 2007

Last Revised: May 7, 2008



The School Committee recognizes that from time to time medical emergencies may arise that warrant the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).  The Portland Public Schools may acquire one or more AEDs for use in its schools and at school athletic events.


The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing, in consultation with the school physician or other qualified expert, and in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions, protocols for the use, storage, location, testing and maintenance of the school unit’s AEDs, and for the identification of school personnel who should be trained in the use of an AED.


Although the School Committee authorizes the acquisition of AEDs, it cannot and does not guarantee that an AED or a person trained in its use will be available at any particular school site or school-sponsored event.


(NOTE:  The AED law, 22 MRSA § 2150-C, as amended, provides immunity from civil liability for damages relating to the use, possession or purchase of an AED and arising out of acts or omissions relating to preparing for and responding to suspected sudden cardiac arrest emergencies absent gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct for any person or entity acquiring, maintaining, using, prescribing, or providing instruction in the use of an AED.)


Legal Reference:      14 MRSA § 164

                                    20-A MRSA § 4009

                                    22 MRSA § 2150-C


Cross Reference:      EBCA – Crisis Response Plan


Adopted:  August 22, 2007


Revised:         May 7, 2008



22 MRSA § 2150-C

20-A MRSA § 4009

14 MRSA § 164


Cross References

EBCA – Crisis Response Plan

EBCF - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).pdf (10 KB)