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ECAD-R - Security Camera System Administrative Procedures

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Security Camera System Administrative Procedures

Code: ECAD-R

Status: Active

Adopted: December 17, 2013



  1. Security Camera Placement


  1. Security cameras may be installed on school buses as well as outside and inside school facilities as described in Policy ECAD and as approved by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall consult with the transportation director, building administrator and/or others as appropriate prior to approving placement.
  2. Security cameras will not be placed in bathrooms, locker rooms, private offices or other locations where the Superintendent determines that users have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
  1. Viewing/Monitoring of Live Images from Security Cameras
  1. In applicable locations, a monitor will be placed to enable office staff to observe points of access to the building.
  2. The Superintendent, building administrators and others designated by the Superintendent may monitor security camera images on a periodic or random basis for school-related purposes. Unauthorized viewing of live images is prohibited.
  3. In situations when the School Department’s Comprehensive Emergency Plan is implemented and/or there is an immediate security risk, law enforcement officials may be authorized to view images from school security cameras at the school or their own monitors at other locations where such access is feasible.
  1. Viewing of Security Camera Recordings
  1. The Superintendent, building administrators and others designated by the Superintendent may review security camera recordings for school-related purposes. Other school personnel may be authorized to view recordings by the Superintendent or a building administrator if there is a legitimate educational reason to do so.
  2. Any security camera recording used for student disciplinary purposes will only be disclosed as authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and in accordance with Board policy.
  3. The parents/guardians of a student or an eligible student under FERPA may request to view portions of the security camera recording used as a basis for disciplinary action against that student. Viewing of the security camera recording shall be conducted in the presence of a building administrator and shall be conducted in a manner that does not violate the confidentiality rights of other students.
  4. Law enforcement personnel may review security camera recordings, when available, to investigate possible criminal conduct.
  5. Unauthorized access and viewing of security camera recordings is prohibited.
  1. Storage and Security of Security Camera Recordings
  1. All security camera recordings will be stored in a secure location to ensure confidentiality.
  2. Security camera recordings will be stored no longer than 60 days without a request from the police or a court, unless it is needed for a disciplinary matter.
  3. Recordings related to a disciplinary matter will be maintained in their original form until the matter is resolved.


Adopted: December 17, 2013


ECAD-R - Security Camera System Administrative Procedure.pdf (10 KB)