Book: E
Section: Support Services
Title: Security Cameras
Code: ECAD
Status: Active
Adopted: December 17, 2013
The Board authorizes the use of security cameras for the purpose of enhancing school safety and security. The Board’s goals are to foster measures that improve the safety and security of the teaching and learning environment for students and staff; assist in protecting public safety for community members who visit or use our school property; and help safeguard facilities and property.
Security cameras may be installed in school buses, parking lots, school entryways and other areas on school grounds. Security cameras may also be installed in areas of common use within buildings, including but not necessarily limited to, school foyers, the school office, hallways, cafeterias, libraries and gymnasiums.
Security cameras may be used for the following purposes:
- To investigate suspected violations of school rules or district policies, or other inappropriate conduct.
- To monitor activities on school premises to protect safety and to enforce school rules, district policies and the law.
- By law enforcement to address school safety issues or to investigate possible criminal behavior.
Where applicable, appropriate signage will be posted in buses and in public entryways to buildings and other conspicuous locations informing persons that school buses, buildings and grounds may be monitored by security cameras.
The Superintendent is responsible for the development of any necessary administrative procedures regarding the use of security cameras.
Legal References:
Cross References: EBCA – Crisis Response Plan
JRA – Student Records and Information
Adopted: December 17, 2013
Cross References
JRA – Student Records and Information
EBCA – Crisis Response Plan
ECAD - Security Cameras.pdf (8 KB)