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ECC - Energy Policy

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Energy Policy

Code: ECC

Status: Active

Adopted: August 22, 2007






The Portland Public Schools is responsible for the efficient use of its natural resources and shall provide leadership in developing a realistic energy use ethic, increasing awareness of energy needs and their associated costs in the operation of its facilities to conserve on energy while maintaining an appropriate learning and working environment.




Every employee, student, school volunteer, and other building users are expected to contribute to energy efficiency and be an “energy saver” as well as an “energy consumer”.  Implementation of this policy shall be the joint responsibility of the School Committee, administration, teachers, students, staff and volunteers.  Its success shall be dependent on cooperation at all levels.  Each employee, student, school volunteer, and other building users shall actively participate in the school department’s energy conservation and efficiency program.  The Central Office Team shall assist the department’s energy manager in implementing, directing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting each school property’s energy conservation and efficiency.


The school department shall maintain accurate records of energy consumption and associated costs and shall provide information on the goals and progress of the district’s energy conservation program.


An energy conservation manager shall be designated and held accountable for energy management at each school facility.  Judicious use of the various energy systems at each school site shall be the joint responsibility of the administrative and instructional staff’s of each facility, the custodial staff, the maintenance department and the energy conservation manager.


The Superintendent is directed to develop the necessary short and long range administrative guidelines to implement energy awareness and conservation programs.



Adopted: August 22, 2007


ECC - Energy Policy.pdf (12 KB)