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ED - Sustainability Policy

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Sustainability Policy

Code: ED

Status: Active

Adopted: October 2, 2012



The Portland Public Schools are committed to environmental leadership through the incorporation of sustainability principles and practices into our day to day operations.  The Portland Board of Public Education directs the Portland Public Schools to:


  1. Embrace sustainability practices to enhance student learning
  2. Use resources efficiently
  3. Reduce waste
  4. Consider environmental, societal and financial implications in decision making
  5. Encourage activities that will reduce pollution


Accordingly, the Superintendent or designee shall develop and revise as appropriate guidelines, procedures or strategies to:


  1. Monitor and analyze energy consumption while continuing to invest in proven energy efficient technologies, manage building control systems and reward efforts to reduce consumption while maintaining a healthy learning and working environment
  2. Minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills and maximize the amount of waste, including food waste, that gets recycled while striving for zero waste
  3. Heighten awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability throughout the Portland Public Schools through curriculum and the promotion of environmental programs and initiatives such as school gardens, buying local foods and the cafeteria food waste separation program
  4. Reduce our carbon footprint by encouraging the use of public transportation, carpooling, biking and/or walking to school
  5. Purchase fuel efficient vehicles, particularly buses, which have a reduced impact on the health of students and the environment while continuing to enforce no idling policy
  6. Develop building facility and grounds maintenance plans that are committed to addressing indoor and outdoor environmental concerns in a proactive manner
  7. Promote environmentally sustainable cleaning practices throughout the Portland Public Schools
  8. Purchase products with minimal packaging and products made of recycled, recyclable or compostable materials.


Legal Reference:         None


Cross References:       DJ – Purchasing

                                    ECBA – School Pest Management Policy

                                    ECC – Energy Policy


Adopted:                     October 2, 2012




Cross References

DJ - Purchasing

ECBA - School Pest Management Policy

ECC - Energy Policy

ED - Sustainability Policy.pdf (8 KB)