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EFE - Competitive Food Sales-Sales of Foods in Competition with The School Food Service Program

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Competitive Food Sales-Sales of Foods in Competition with The School Food Service Program

Code: EFE

Status: Active

Adopted: October 18, 2006

Last Revised: April 24, 2012


Competitive Food Sales-Sales of Foods in Competition With

The School Food Service Program


The Portland Public Schools supports good nutrition as part of a school environment that contributes to student health and encourages positive food choices and eating habits.  The Portland Board of Public Education believes that nutrition influences a student’s ability to take full advantage of the school system’s educational program and is, therefore, related to student achievement.


The Board also recognizes that proceeds from the sale of foods and beverages outside of the School Lunch Program are a significant source of funds for student activities that Portland Public Schools might not otherwise be able to provide.


The Portland Board of Public Education adopted this policy to govern the sale of foods and beverages that are sold outside of the total food service program on school property and by school approved organizations or programs (i.e. student clubs, athletic teams, Parent Teacher Organizations, booster groups, and school staff) regardless of the location of the event.

Restriction On Sale Of Competitive Foods

Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 51 mandates that any food or beverage sold at any time on school property of a school participating in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Programs shall be a planned part of the total food service program of the school and shall include only those items which contribute both to the nutritional needs of children and the development of desirable food habits, and shall not include foods of minimal nutritional value as defined in applicable federal regulations, except as provided for by School  Board policy in certain circumstances.


Only food and beverage sales provided through the Portland Public Schools Food Services Department are permitted during the school day.


As allowed by Rule Chapter 51, the Portland Board of Public Education permits the sale of food and beverages outside the Food Services Department:


  • To attendees at school-sponsored community events held on school property and must be open to the public.
  • To the public at community events held on school property in accordance with the Portland School Committee’s facilities use policy.
  • By a school approved student organization or program.


This policy applies to sales of foods and beverages at any time on school property by any person, group or organization and to school approved organization or programs selling food and/or beverages on or off school property.


All foods and beverages sold at any time on school property and all food and beverages sold by school approved organizations or programs (i.e. student clubs, athletic teams, Parent Teacher Organizations, booster groups, and school staff) off school property, must meet the District’s Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy.


Funds From Sales Of Competitive Foods


Funds from all food and beverage sales made at any time on school property shall accrue to the benefit of the school’s non-profit school food service program, except that funds raised through authorized sales outside the total food service program, as detailed in the “Restriction On Sale Of Competitive Foods” above, shall accrue to the sponsoring school or approved student organization in accordance with applicable policies, cash-management procedures and administrative directives, or to the sponsor of a community event that is held on school property in accordance with the Portland School  Board’s facilities use policy.


Vending Machine Sales


The District places exclusive authority of all food and beverage vending activities under the control of the District’s Food Services Director.  Adherence to nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold in vending machines is the responsibility of the Food Service Director.


Delegation Of Responsibility


The Superintendent/designee shall ensure that each school complies with this policy. A person who believes that food and beverage sales outside of the total food service program are not in compliance with school board policy should inform the principal and/or District Food Services Director.


Cross References

EFEA - Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy

JL - Local Wellness Policy

KHB - Commercialism in the Schools

EFE Competitive Food Sales - Sales of Foods in Competition With the School Food Service Program.pdf (19 KB)