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EFEA - Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy

Code: EFEA

Status: Active

Adopted: April 24, 2012


Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy


            The Portland Public Schools supports good nutrition as part of a school environment that contributes to student health and encourages positive food choices and eating habits.  The Portland Board of Public Education believes that nutrition influences a student’s ability to take full advantage of the school system’s educational program and is, therefore, related to student achievement.


The foods and beverages served and/or sold as part of the total food service program shall meet or exceed applicable state and federal nutrition requirements.


The Portland Board of Public Education adopted this policy to govern the nutritional standards for all foods and beverages that are (1) sold or served on school property outside of the total food service program; (2) sold as part of the total food service program’s vending or a la carte programs; and (3) by schools or school approved organizations or programs, at all times, on and off school property.


During the School Day:

All foods and beverages sold or offered, from any source outside the total food service meal program, on and off school property, (i.e., vending machines, classroom or school celebrations, field trips, birthday parties, staff meetings, in-service trainings, fundraisers, and school stores) shall meet these nutrition standards:

  • All foods shall meet the Healthier US Schools Challenge criteria for Competitive Foods at the Gold Award Level.  
  • All beverages must meet the Alliance for A Healthier Generation’s High School Beverage Guidelines.
  • Beverage Guidelines at the appropriate grade level.
  • Soda is not permitted.
  • Sales of foods and beverages outside the total food service program are not allowed.


Before or After the School Day (including non-school days):

All foods and beverages sold or served by schools or school-approved organizations or programs (i.e., athletic teams, student clubs, after-school programs, school staff, booster clubs, and parent-teacher organizations), on and off school property, shall meet these nutrition standards:

  • All packaged foods shall meet the Healthier US Schools Challenge (HUSSC) criteria for Competitive Foods at the Gold Award Level.  
  • At least 50% of non-packaged foods offered must meet the Healthier US Schools Challenge criteria for Competitive Foods at the Gold Award Level.
  • All beverages must meet the Alliance for A Healthier Generation’s High School Beverage Guidelines.*
  • Soda is not permitted.


Implementation and Monitoring

The Superintendent/designee shall be responsible for implementation and monitoring of this policy in accordance with implementation and monitoring procedures outlined in the Local Wellness Policy (NEPN/NSBA: JL). Information about this policy shall be included in school handbooks annually.

Any person who observes practices inconsistent with the Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy should contact the school principal.  If inconsistencies are not adequately addressed, any person may contact the District School Health Coordinator and/or District Food Services Director.  If inconsistencies are still not adequately addressed, any person may contact the Superintendent or designee for resolution.


* The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s High School Beverage Guidelines promotion materials allow exemptions outside the school day and for community events.  These exemptions do not apply under this policy.


Cross References

EFEA - Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy

JL - Local Wellness Policy

EFEA Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages.pdf (79 KB)