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EHB-R - School Records Retention Guidelines and Schedules

Book: E

Section: Support Services

Title: School Records Retention Guidelines and Schedules

Code: EHB-R

Status: Active




Based on Maine State Archives Rules for Disposition of Local Government Records,

Schedules A (Local Government Records) and L (School Records)

General Records Retention Guidelines:

  1. Check the attached schedule before disposing of a document/record.  If the type of document/record is not listed, consult with the responsible party before disposing of the document/record.   If necessary, the Maine State Archives should be consulted for guidance on disposal.
  1. Records (including computer records) will be maintained in accordance with established School Department procedures.
  1. Records whose retention period has expired will be destroyed in accordance with established School Department procedures.
  1. Only one copy of a document needs to be retained, by the party responsible for it.  In some cases, the original document (if available) should be retained.
  1. Drafts and notes can be destroyed except when such documents are important to official business or action of the School Department, in which case they will be stored in the official file.
  1. Except as noted in the attached retention schedule, the retention period runs from when the record was created or received.
  1. No record related to pending or anticipated litigation may be destroyed or altered even if the record is technically past its retention date.
  1. E-mails and computerized documents should be treated like any other record and are subject to the same retention schedules.
  1. Junk mail and “spam” are not considered records and can be discarded immediately.
  1. Maine law (20-A MRSA § 6001-B) requires schools to transfer records when a student enrolls in another school in the state.  Schools should retain a copy of the records forwarded to the new school in accordance with the attached retention schedule.


EHB-R - School Record s Retention Guidelines and Schedules.pdf (8 KB)