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FC - Commercial Microwave Communications Technology, Including Cellular Towers/Antennas/Equipment  

Book: F

Section: Facilities Development

Title: Commercial Microwave Communications Technology, Including Cellular Towers/Antennas/Equipment

Code: FC

Status: Active

Adopted: May 15, 2018




It is the policy of the Portland Board of Education of the City of Portland to not enter into any contract, agreement, license, lease, or similar arrangement—whether for a fee or not—that would grant a right or license to install and use commercial microwave communications technology, including cellular towers, antennas, and related equipment, on school district owned or controlled property.


Contracts entered into prior to the implementation date of this policy will not be renewed.


The Board has the responsibility to steward and manage its properties in an efficient manner.  Contractual arrangements with entities such as commercial microwave communication services create a long term dedication of school property and limit the Board’s options for use and maintenance of its properties.


FC - Commercail Microwave, Communications Technology, including Cellular Towers-Antennas-Equipment.pdf (35 KB)