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GBEBC - Staff Gifts and Solicitations

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Staff Gifts and Solicitations


Status: Active

Adopted: November 25, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992



            Pupils, parents, and other patrons of the Portland Public Schools shall be discouraged from the routine presentation of gifts to school employees.


            When a pupil feels a spontaneous desire to present a gift to a staff member, the gift shall not be elaborate or unduly expensive.


            The Committee always welcomes, and in most cases considers more appropriate than gifts, the writing of letters to staff members expressing gratitude or appreciation.


            This shall not be interpreted as intended to discourage acts of generosity in unusual situations, and simple remembrances expressive of affection or gratitude shall not be regarded as violations of this rule.


            No school personnel shall be solicited by any agency or company for contributions and/or purchases without the express approval of the School Committee through the Superintendent.  The United Fund Campaign shall be exempted from this regulation.


            Copies of the Personnel Directory that are distributed to the staff annually shall not be given to business concerns or educational companies for the purpose of using the lists for solicitation or other commercial interests.


            No teacher shall use his/her position in the Portland Public Schools to influence parents or pupils in the school system to purchase books or other specific merchandise, except for materials approved by the Superintendent’s Office for use in the classroom.


GBEBC - Staff Gifts and Solicitations.pdf (11 KB)


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