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GBEE - Conduct of Non-School Business on School Premises

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Conduct of Non-School Business on School Premises

Code: GBEE

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992





The School Committee forbids all School Department employees from conducting non-school business on school premises except:


  1. As permitted through contracts with bargaining groups;


  1. Fundraising drives which relate directly to a school-sponsored activity; and


  1. Trips or events which are school-related may be planned or conducted on school premises.


Telephones shall not be used for any non-school commercial enterprise.  Employees shall not act as referees for athletic events if they are paid for this service as a contracted service (as opposed to regular Portland salary payroll) and perform this service on any school premises, including the Exposition Building and Portland Stadium. 


GBEE - Conduct of Non-School Business on School Premises.pdf (10 KB)


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