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GBH - Staff Participation in Community Activities

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Staff Participation in Community Activities

Code: GBH

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992




The staff of the Portland Public Schools is an essential component of the public relations of the Portland schools.  Participation in civil and community affairs reflects the concern of the School Department for the well-being of the City and its public and private agencies.  Therefore the School Committee encourages its employees to become involved in civic, public, and private activities that affect the well-being of the community and its citizens.


Staff participation shall not conflict with the duties and responsibilities of their position, and no employee shall be permitted to attend activities of an outside group or organization during the time in which the employee is normally working without express permission of his/her appropriate administrator.


GBH - Staff Participation in Community Activities.pdf (9 KB)


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