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GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Staff Participation in Political Activities

Code: GBI

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992



The Committee recognizes that employees of the Portland Public Schools have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens, including, subject to provisions of law, campaigning for an elective public office and holding elective or appointive public office.


In connection with his/her campaigning, no employee will use school system facilities, equipment, or supplies; nor will the employee discuss his/her campaign with school personnel during the working day; nor will the employee use any time during the working day for campaigning purposes.


Informational Note: See Appendix III Portland Public Schools Agreement between the Portland School Committee of the City of Portland and the Portland Teachers Association



20-A MRSA § 13602

GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities.pdf (10 KB)


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