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GBJ - Personnel Records

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Personnel Records

Code: GBJ

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992



Employees shall have the right to review the contents of their personnel files, subject to the provisions of state law.


The confidentiality of every employee’s personnel file will be maintained.  Only those administrators having a direct reason to see the file will have access to it.  The files will not be opened by anyone else without express permission in writing to the Personnel Office from the employee.


Inquiries from banks, stores, credit bureaus, etc., will only be answered if the request is made in writing to the school department and the employee has given permission in writing for the bank, store, agency, etc., to seek the information.


There shall be only one official personnel file, and that file shall be kept in the Personnel Office of the central administration building.



20-A MRSA § 6101


Cross References

KDB - Public's Right to Know-Freedom of Access

GBJ - Personnel Records.pdf (10 KB)


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