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GCFBA - Administrative Hiring - Building Leve

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Administrative Hiring - Building Level


Status: Active

Adopted: February 27, 1985

Last Revised: August 26, 1992



The purpose of this policy is to establish hiring policies for positions at the organizational level of principal and assistant principal.

  1. Positions at the building principal level will be posted internally, advertised locally and regionally, and may be advertised nationally.  Assistant principal positions will be posted internally, advertised locally, and at the discretion of the Superintendent, may be advertised regionally.  At the discretion of the Superintendent, acting appointments are advised when conditions such as timing of the vacancy do not allow for recruitment of a wide pool of qualified candidates.
  1. A needs assessment will be conducted in the school community (teachers, parents, administrators, School Committee) by the Superintendent or designee.
  1. Desired qualities and skills will be defined as a result of the needs assessment and used as a basis for screening applications
  1. Applicants will be screened and interviewed by a single panel.
  1. The panel will consist of at least six people, two of which should be teachers, two parents, and two others at the discretion of the Superintendent.  Panels meeting during the summer may consist of as few as four people, with one being a teacher and one a parent.  A chair will be appointed by the Superintendent and will coordinate the work of the committee.
  1. Applicants will receive weighted ratings on the application, interviews, references, and other evaluative criteria.  These ratings will be used as a guide in the selection of finalist(s).
  1. The panel will recommend finalist(s) to the Superintendent for further consideration.
  1. The Superintendent, and others as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent, shall conduct second interviews.
  1. References will be checked on finalists by the Superintendent and his/her designees.
  1. Site visits will be made by the Superintendent, member(s) of the panel, and others as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.
  1. The Superintendent will make a recommendation for the selected candidate to the School Committee.
  1. The School Committee will formally vote on the selected finalist.


GCFBA - Administrative Hiring - Building Level.pdf (8 KB)


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