Book: G
Section: Personnel
Title: Professional Staff Orientation
Code: GCH
Status: Active
Adopted: November 28, 1984
Last Revised: August 26, 1992
The building principal or immediate supervisor shall assign a consulting teacher to every probationary teacher upon entrance of the probationary teacher into the school system. The consulting teacher, insofar as possible, shall be a teacher with a minimum of three years teaching experience and shall be engaged in teaching within the same grade, building, or discipline as the probationary teacher.
The building principal or the immediate supervisor shall orient all teachers with the elevation procedures and standards during the first month of their assignments to their respective buildings or programs. Each teacher shall be advised as to who shall observe and evaluate his/her performance. No formal observations shall take place until such orientation has been completed.
GCH - Professional Staff Orientation.pdf (9 KB)
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