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GCOC-R - Evaluation of Administrators Administrative Procedure

Book: G

Section: Personnel

Title: Evaluation of Administrators Administrative Procedure

Code: GCOC-R

Status: Active



  1. The school system will maintain current, written job descriptions which will delineate responsibilities.
  1. The evaluatee will:
    1. Complete a self evaluation by May 1 of each year;
    2. Identify needs and set measurable goals by August 30 of each year;
    3. Collect data and document progress on goals; and
    4. Assess and write a summary of the information collected.
  1. The evaluator will:
    1. Complete an assessment of the evaluatee and identify measurable goals; and
    2. Collect and analyze data relative to evaluatee’s goals.
  1. The evaluator and evaluatee will confer and work together to:
    1. Develop goals and plans;
    2. Monitor progress on goals and make changes as needed; and
    3. Hold summative conference for the evaluator to present results and discuss plans for the following year annually by May 15.
  1. The evaluator will:
    1. Based on the evaluatee’s performance, present a summative written evaluation to the evaluatee by August 30 of each year.


GCOC-R - Evaluation of Administrators Administrative Procedure.pdf (7 KB)


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