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IHBA - Individualized Education Program

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Individualized Education Program

Code: IHBA

Status: Active

Adopted: October 2, 1996

Last Revised: May 14, 2013

Individualized Education Programs

It shall be the policy of Portland Public School to maintain a complete individualized education program (“IEP”) for each student who has been identified with a disability and in need of special education services under state and federal special education laws, and who is in attendance at Portland Public Schools.  Portland Public Schools shall develop these IEPs in a manner consistent with the procedural requirements of state and federal special education laws.


Student IEPs shall be reasonably calculated to provide the identified student with educational benefits in the least restrictive educational environment.  Portland Public Schools shall ensure that such IEPs are in effect within 30 days of when a student is first identified as in need of special education services, and in effect no later than the beginning of each school year for subsequent IEPs.  All IEPs must be reviewed at least annually, as prescribed by state and federal special education laws.



34 C.F.R. §300.320 to .324 (2006);

20 U.S.C. §§1414(d)

071c101.docx (628 KB)IHBA - Individualized Education Program.pdf (7 KB)


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