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IHBEA-E - Portland Public Schools English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Initial Eligibility Determination Parent Notification Form

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Portland Public Schools English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Initial Eligibility Determination Parent Notification Form


Status: Active

Revised: March 1, 2024



To the Parents of:______________________________________  Date:______________

School: ______________________________________________ Grade:_____________

Date of Birth:___________________________________ Student ID#:_______________


When you enrolled your child in school this year, you noted on the Language Use Survey that he or she may use a language other than English. Based on this response, the law requires us to test your child’s English language proficiency - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - to determine if s/he is legally entitled to English Language Development (ELD) support services. We used this test to determine the best educational program placement for your child. We are required to inform you of the test results, our program recommendation, and all of the placement options available for your child within 30 days of your child’s enrollment or the start of the school year. Our recommendation appears below, along with information our school district uses to determine when a student is ready to exit the ELD program.


Based on your child’s test result, we have determined your child’s eligibility. Further assessment and programming decisions will be informed by the Family and Educational History and completed at your child’s school.


 ❑ Your child is eligible for ELD support services - Intensive English Language

                Development (IELD).

 ❑    Your child is eligible for ELD support services - Cognitive Academic Language  

                Support (CALS).


 ❑    Your child is eligible for ELD support services at the Pre Kindergarten level.


 ❑    Your child is NOT eligible for ELD support services.

 ❑   Other: _______________________________________________________

This recommendation is based on the following criteria as marked below:

 ❑ 1. WIDA-Online Screener Score:  ___________________


 ❑ 2. Family and Educational History

 ❑    3. Other Assessments:

Test: ________________________ Score: ___________________

                        Test: ________________________ Score: ___________________

Additional English language instruction is instrumental in increasing a student’s English language proficiency and ability to acquire grade-level academic content. We highly recommend that your child participate in and receive the benefits from an ELD program. The overall goal of the ELD program is for students to become fully proficient in English and to master state standards for academic achievement as rapidly as possible. To exit from ELD support services, your child has to reach a composite score of Level 4.5 on ACCESS for ELLs.


As mentioned, we highly recommend that your child participates in and receives the benefits from this program, however, you have the right to decline your child’s participation in or ‘opt your child out’ of the ELD program or particular ELD services at this time or at any time during the school year. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a parent conference to discuss your child’s options for program placement and/or if you wish to opt your child out of the ELD program or particular ELD services within the ELD program.


Programming changes, as a result of your child’s progress, will be communicated to you through the school’s Language Assessment Committee (LAC) process at least once a year or as needed. We highly encourage you to check in with your child’s teacher about your child’s progress anytime.






Director of Language Development




Original: Student Cumulative Folder

Copy:  Parent    



P120- ENG Initial Eligibility Updated 11.28.19; & 3.5.24



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