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IHBEA - Programs for Multilingual Learners

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Programs for English Learners (EL's)


Status: Active

Adopted: January 24, 1966

Last Revised: March 19, 2024



To provide equal educational opportunity for all students, Portland Public Schools shall provide appropriate instructional programs for all students who are identified multilingual learners that are designed specifically to assist such students in attaining English proficiency and meeting state and local academic achievement standards, in compliance with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.  Portland Public Schools shall also provide opportunities for parent involvement in their child’s education, as required by federal law.


To accomplish these goals,  Portland Public Schools’ Lau Plan sets forth the procedural requirements and services provided to multilingual learners, including identification, assessment, placement in appropriate programming, monitoring of student progress, reassessment, and exit from multilingual learner programs.


The Superintendent has overall responsibility for implementing the Lau Plan and delegates specific responsibilities as deemed appropriate.



Legal Reference:      Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

                                    20 U.S.C. §§ 6312; 6801 et seq.

                                    20-A MRSA § 4701

                                    MDOE Rule Chapter 127


Adopted:        January 24, 1996

Revised:         October 28, 1998; May 4, 2005; February 4, 2020; March 19, 2024



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