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IHCA - Summer Programs

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Summer Programs

Code: IHCA

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992



The Portland Public Schools shall provide summer programs.  The organization and staffing of such programs shall follow the State Board of Education and Department of Education Standards.


The Portland Public Schools will offer six weeks of summer school both for course makeup and for the study of new subjects.


Each summer school class shall last approximately two hours and ten minutes, and students must attend regularly to receive credit for the course(s).  Driver education may also be offered to eligible students.


Fee(s) for enrolling in the academic or driver education programs shall be charged to each student.  Fees shall be established annually by the School Committee.



Title 20-A MRSA § 8801

IHCA - Summer Programs.pdf (10 KB)


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