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IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions and Non-Sanctioned Field Trips

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Field Trips and Excursions and Non-Sanctioned Field Trips

Code: IJOA

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: February 15, 2011



The School Committee recognizes that educational field trips are important authenticated experiences that contribute to a strong program of instruction in many areas of curricula.  The School Committee approves the continuance of field trips and excursions under regulations established by the Superintendent and reported to the School Committee. All field trips shall be approved in advance by the principal. In addition, out-of-state or overnight field trips shall be approved in advance by the Superintendent.


Field trips shall be coordinated with the goals and objectives of the curriculum, and there shall be appropriate preparation and follow-up activities. Students will be appropriately supervised.


Parental permission forms shall be required for school-sponsored educational trips and activities.


Non-Sanctioned Trips

Furthermore, non-sanctioned trips are trips and/or excursions that act independently of the schools.  These trips involve students on a voluntary and self-supporting basis, are not approved by the School Committee, and are not associated with the curricula, co-curricular, and/or extra-curricular activities.


All responsibilities for non-sanctioned trips and/or excursions lie with the individual(s) or group(s) sponsoring and organizing such activities.


Foreign travel will be considered a non-sanctioned trip unless explicitly supported by the superintendent and approved by the School Committee. 


The School Committee recognizes that educational field trips impact other programs, services, and the general operations of the schools.  To minimize the impact the School Committee does not approve absences for non-sanctioned trips that require students or staff to miss school and/or work days.


Individuals, including employees, or groups who wish to use the schools for the purpose of publicizing trips, distributing information, recruiting participants, and/or organizing trips must comply with Policy KG – Use of School Facilities.


Recruiting and organizing school trips are prohibited during instructional time and during the employee’s workday.


For non-sanctioned trips, use of school equipment, including but not limited to fax machines, photocopiers, telephones, computers, letterhead, and other supplies is prohibited.


Non-sanctioned trips may not be represented as school functions or as related to, or an extension of the school’s instructional, co-curricular, and/or extra-curricular activities. 


To minimize any misrepresentations, school employees or other persons who organize non-sanctioned trips must state the following in organizational meetings and literature:


            “This trip is not sponsored or approved by the Portland School Committee

            and/or Portland Public Schools.  Authorized school administrators have

   not received or sanctioned the trip’s itinerary or trip supervision.”


Any Portland Public Schools employee who is contemplating organizing an out-of-country trip, whether sanctioned or non-sanctioned, must provide a copy of this policy to all interested parents and students and must provide written notice to his/her building principal.


Cross References

IJOA-E1 - Portland Public Schools Field Trip Form 1

IJOA - E2 - Notice of Privately Sponsored Trip

IJOA - Field Trips and Excursions and Non-Sanctioned Foreign Travel.pdf (10 KB)


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