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IJOC-R - School Volunteer Administrative Procedures

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: School Volunteer Administrative Procedures

Code: IJOC-R

Status: Active

Adopted: September 1, 2016

School Volunteers Administrative Procedures


To protect children, Portland Public Schools is committed to ensuring that all current and prospective Portland Public Schools volunteers are appropriate for serving their positions.  All persons interested in volunteering will:


  1. complete a written application,
  2. sign the Volunteer Confidentiality Form, and
  3. sign permission for Portland Public Schools to complete a background check


These forms can be obtained at any school or on the district’s website.  Complete forms should be submitted to the school in which the applicant wishes to volunteer or online if and when that option becomes available.  Background checks are performed for volunteers who will have close contact with students.


Based upon a review of the application and background check (as applicable), the following processes and standards will apply to determine the fitness for service in Portland Public Schools.


Types of Crimes that would automatically preclude a volunteer from working in schools include, but are not limited to:


  • Felony Sexual Offenses
  • Crimes against minors (misdemeanor or felony)
  • Possession, sales, or use of controlled substances
  • Illegal possession or use of weapons or dangerous objects
  • Assault and battery
  • Burglary or Robbery
  • Homicide/Manslaughter
  • Stalking/Kidnapping/Unlawful Restraint
  • And any other Felony Conviction not listed above
  • Multiple and/or repeated misdemeanor infractions over time with at least one occurring in the previous five years


Offenses such as OUI, shoplifting/theft, and other misdemeanors would not automatically prevent a volunteer from volunteering if the offense didn’t involve children, was a one-time event, was more than two years ago, and a clear explanation is included in the volunteer’s application. 


However, approval of all applications is ultimately at the discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee.  Volunteer application may be declined or volunteer services terminated at any time if the Superintendent or the applicable building principal determines that it is in the best interests of the Portland Public Schools to do so.


Background checks with circumstances not clearly falling within the above guidelines will be referred to Central Office for review and approval/denial.


In the reviewing of applications of individuals who have criminal records, but who are not excluded under the mandatory disqualifications listed above, the Superintendent and/or a designee will review giving weight to the age of conviction, ago of the applicant when convicted, the nexus between the conviction and the individuals fitness to serve as a school volunteer, the type of offense, age of offense, whether there was a conviction, the sentence, whether probation was successfully completed, the date of the offense, and whether there were subsequent arrests. Upon reviewing this information, the Superintendent or designee will determine whether to allow the individual to volunteer in Portland Public Schools.


Applicants will be notified in writing of their approval or denial to volunteer in the Portland Public Schools. 


Volunteer approval will be current for three school years.  After three school years volunteers will be required to repeat the volunteer application process as detailed above including a new application, signing an updated confidentiality agreement, and having a new background check completed.  These re-applications will be approved/denied based on the criteria in effect at the time of re-application.


IJOC-R - School Volunteers Administrative Procedures.pdf (71 KB)


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