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IKACA - Parent Conferences

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Parent Conferences


Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: August 26, 1992




A minimum of two teacher-initiated parent conferences shall be offered during the school year for grades K-5. Such other conferences as deemed necessary by parents, faculty, or administrators shall be scheduled upon request.


Open house may be held during the course of the year to bring faculty and parents together, explain program and curriculum, etc., but are not to be considered as a substitute for individual parent-teacher conferences.


Middle schools will offer a minimum of two school-initiated conferences, allowing meetings between parents and teachers or guidance counselors. Other conferences deemed necessary by parents, faculty, guidance counselors, or administrators shall be scheduled upon request.


In the high schools, parent-school conferences shall be scheduled upon request of student, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, or administrators. All pertinent personnel shall be asked to participate in any individual conference scheduled.


IKACA - Parent Conferences.pdf (9 KB)


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