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IKC-R - Class Ranking

Book: I

 Section: Instruction

 Title: Class Ranking

 Code: IKC-R

 Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

 Last Revised: June 24, 2009



For the purpose of comparative rating of students for educational and job opportunity, as well as determining honor students and awards, the principal or guidance staff of each high school may set up a program of class ranking of students.  One program may be based on grade averages and may be weighted to compensate for honor courses, advanced courses, and other courses taken ahead of the usual time.  Other computations may be kept to compare a student’s work to others in a class or in a department.  Confidential records shall be kept of these standings.  A student’s class standing shall not be released to any outside organization without the student’s and/or his/her parent’s written permission, but a student shall be told his/her class standing without undue delay.


IKC-R - Class Rankings.pdf (10 KB)