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IKE - Promotion and Retention of Students

Book: I

Section: Instruction

Title: Promotion and Retention of Students

Code: IKE

Status: Active

Adopted: November 28, 1984

Last Revised: October 6, 2004



The Portland Public Schools offers a planned program of instruction designed to assist students in meeting the content standards of the system of Learning Results for each grade span (K through grade 2, grades 3-4, 5-8, and 9-12). In general, students will progress annually from grade to grade, but the School Committee recognizes that some students may require a shorter or longer time to meet the content standards and other instructional goals. Therefore, the grade placement of each student will be made on an individual basis.


School administrators, teachers, and guidance counselors shall consider the following factors in making decisions concerning promotion, retention, or acceleration of students:


            A.        Information regarding the student from the local assessment system;

            B.        Other indicators of academic achievement;

            C.        Attendance;

            D.        Motivation, attitude, and behavior;

            E.         Age;

            F.         Program options; and

            G.        Any other issues pertinent to the particular student’s school performance.


Decisions concerning special education students shall be in consultation with the Pupil Evaluation Team (PET).


Parents will be notified as early as possible if their child is being considered for retention or acceleration and, except in very unusual circumstances, no later than March 15. The principal shall be responsible for making the final decision regarding retention or acceleration, in consultation with the student’s parents, teacher(s), and guidance counselor. The School Committee is given no role in these decisions.


Parents dissatisfied with the principal’s decision may appeal to the Superintendent in writing within 14 calendar days. The Superintendent shall review the matter and request further information, if appropriate. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final.


New state graduation requirements based on the content standards of the system of Learning Results will apply to all students intending to graduate at the end of the 2006-2007 school year and thereafter. Students whose graduation is delayed to 2006-2007 or thereafter due to retention or inadequate performance on assessments must meet these new requirements. If a student is at risk because of failing grades and/or performance on the local assessment system, or not earning a high school diploma with his/her class, the student and his/her parents shall be notified by the guidance counselor.


Cross References

IKF - Graduation Requirements

IKE - Promotion and Retention of Students.pdf (14 KB)071c127.doc (103 KB)071c125 (1).doc (130 KB)


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