Book: J
Section: Students
Title: System Wide Student Code of Conduct
Code: JIC
Status: Active
Adopted: November 28, 1984
Last Revised: May 18, 2021
Prior Revised Dates: August 26, 1992; May 31, 2000; March 19, 2003
System-wide Student Code of Conduct
Schools should be safe, nurturing, participatory, and productive learning environments. This requires both clear expectations for student conduct and positive, multi-tiered systems of support and intervention to meet students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs. To that end, the Board has developed this policy and its companion policy, JK – Behavioral Interventions and Supports, as overarching guides for stakeholders, for related board policies, and for district- and building-level policies and practices.
Article 1 - Core Values
This policy is intended to support the following core values at Portland Public Schools:
- High Expectations - We are all expected and enabled to meet high standards.
- Creativity and Innovation - We embrace all modes of learning and encourage experimentation, ingenuity, and boldness.
- Individuality - We respect and value each person as an individual.
- Community - We are better together and support one another.
- Courage - We commit to always confronting inequity.
Article 2 – Student Conduct
All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with these core values and in a manner that maintains the safety and productiveness of the learning environment, both for themselves and for the other members of their school community. This includes adhering to all Federal, State, and local laws, as well as adhering to all other Board policies and building-level expectations. This expectation applies to students
- on school or district property,
- while in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or
- at any time or place that such conduct directly interferes with the operations, discipline or general welfare of the school, including but not limited to cyber-communications.
Below are some general examples of expectations the Board considers fundamental to a safe learning environment in our schools. While these expectations are for students, adults in schools should also be modeling these expectations. Building leaders are expected to adapt and elaborate on these expectations in a manner appropriate to their context and responsive to their full community’s needs, values, and cultural backgrounds.
- Respect the rights and dignity of all school community members.
- Interrupt discrimination and inequity.
- Refrain from verbal, emotional, or physical violence.
- Follow reasonable requests.
- Arrive on time, attend all classes, and complete assigned work.
- Refrain from cheating or plagiarizing the work of others.
- Respect the property of others, including school property and facilities.
- Refrain from vulgarity, profanity, obscenity, lewdness and indecency.
- Adhere to all applicable Federal, State, and local laws.
The Board policies referenced at the end of this document provide guidance for prevention of and response to non-expected behaviors, as well as the cultivation of expected behaviors. Students, families, and others should refer to these and to student handbooks for more information. In case of an inconsistency between Board policies and handbooks, Board policies will prevail.
Legal Reference:
20-A MRS §§ 254 (11); 1001(15), (15-A)
Cross Reference:
JK – Behavioral interventions and supports
JKB – Detention of students
JKD – Suspension of students
JKE – Expulsion of students
JKF – Suspension/Expulsion of Students with Disabilities
JICIA – Weapons, violence, and school safety
JICIB – Bomb threats
ACAD – Hazing
AC – Nondiscrimination
ACAA – Harassment and sexual harassment of students
JICK – Bullying and cyberbullying
JICH – Drug and alcohol use by students
ADC – Tobacco use and possession
JICC – Student conduct on school buses
IJNDB – Student computer and internet use
JJIC – Co-curricular code of conduct
JKAA – Use of physical restraint and seclusion
JKAA-R – Procedures on physical restraint and seclusion
IHBAA – Referral/pre-referral policy
IHBAC – Child find policy
JKF – Disciplinary removal of students with disabilities
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