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JICA-R - Student Dress Code Practice Across Schools

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Student Dress Code Practice Across Schools

Code: JICA-R

Status: Active

Adopted: May 15, 2018





High Schools


Dress Code

  1. Student attire should include a top and a bottom (or a dress) as well as a form of footwear. Underwear is not to be exposed; bra straps are acceptable. Chests and midriffs are to be predominantly covered.

If part #1 of the Dress Code is violated, the individual will be asked to avoid wearing the article to school again. If the article is worn after the initial request, the student will be given school clothing and asked to alter their outfit accordingly after instructional time. If this behavior continues, it shall be considered an act of insubordination and will be disciplined as such.

  1. Genitalia, nipples, and buttocks are to be covered at all times.
  2. No clothing will be allowed that promotes illegal behavior, violence, gang material (i.e. colors) or drug/alcohol use or which includes discriminatory language, offensive language, or pornographic material.

If part #2 or part #3 of the Dress Code is violated, the individual will need to make an immediate change of clothes.


Staff will aim to have a private, respectful conversation with a student about a possible dress code infraction before turning to disciplinary action. Appropriate consequences of any dress code violation shall not include getting kicked out of class or lowering of academic grades. Any consequence of the timing of the confrontation, such as missing class time or a test, shall be considered the responsibility of the student to make up, but every accommodation shall be given to the student to make up lost class time, missed tests or class activities.


Middle Schools


Dress Code


The responsibility for the dress and appearance rests with the individual student and their parent(s)/guardian(s).  This won’t be interfered with unless the choices being made pose health or safety risks or are disruptive to the learning process. 


The following are some, but not all, examples of clothing that could disrupt learning:

  • Clothing with statements/graphics that violate others’ civil rights.
  • Clothing that references illegal behavior such as violence, drugs, sex, alcohol or tobacco.
  • Clothing needs to cover the midriff and undergarments. 


Students struggling to meet these expectations will be addressed individually and tactfully by any adult in the building.


Specific dress/attire may be deemed appropriate for a school, co-curricular, or community events.  Expectations will be shared and taught far in advance, so school personnel can support students to know and meet these expectations.  Students will not be excluded from participation in school activities and events.


JICA-R - Student Dress Code Practice Across Schools.pdf (13 KB)


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