Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Student Dress Code
Code: JICA
Status: Active
Adopted: November 28, 1984
Last Revised: May 15, 2018
The responsibility for the dress and appearance of students shall rest with individual students and parents.
For health and safety reasons, students are required to wear shoes or other footgear while at school or participating in school-sponsored co-curricular activities, with the exception of activities that require students to be barefooted (e.g., swimming).
Schools may prohibit dress which causes a material and substantial disruption to the learning process but may not impose limitations on dress in which fashion or taste is the sole criterion.
Schools may prohibit articles of clothing that cause excessive maintenance problems such as cleats on boots, shoes that scratch floors, trousers with metal inserts that scratch furniture.
Schools may require the wearing of specialized clothing or shoes, protective eyewear, or other items of dress for health or safety reasons (e.g., hair nets or caps where long hair may impose a health or safety threat near open flames, moving machinery or in food classes, or specialized footwear for certain extracurricular activities). Each school will make provisions for notifying students of these rules.
JICA - Student Dress Code.pdf (10 KB)
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