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JICC-R - Student Conduct Expectations and Rules on School Buses

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Student Conduct Expectations and Rules on School Buses

Code: JICC-R

Status: Active

Adopted: August 1, 2017



The safety and welfare of students who ride school buses; drivers and assistants who staff school buses; and motorists and pedestrians depend on proper behavior and observance of the following rules. These rules apply to all students at all times while being transported in a school bus, including but not limited to regular bus runs; after school “late runs” or “activity trips”; academic and extracurricular field trips; and athletic trips.   By law, the school bus driver is responsible for the bus and its passengers, and has authority to enforce rules necessary for the safe operation of the bus. Coaches, teachers, other school staff and volunteers who are on the bus are expected to support the driver in enforcing conduct and safety expectations.


In cases when a student does not conduct themselves properly on a school bus, the infraction shall be brought to the attention of the building Principal by the bus driver.  Drivers are expected to bring all conduct issues to the Principal’s attention and not wait until a serious incident occurs.  The building Principal, in consultation with the Director of Transportation, will determine the appropriate consequences based on the nature of the incident; the student’s disciplinary history; and other relevant factors.


Serious and/or repeated disciplinary problems on the bus may result in a student having their riding privileges suspended by the Principal in consultation with the Director of Transportation.  In such cases, the parent/guardian is responsible for transporting the student to and from school or other activities.


  1. In addition to Board policies and school rules which remain in force on school buses, the following specific rules apply to students using school bus transportation. Students are expected to be on time at the bus stop, recognizing that scheduled pick up and drop off times are approximate.  The bus will not wait for students who are tardy.  Students are not to run after the school bus.  Bus drivers have been instructed not to stop for any student who runs after the school bus.   School buses will not return to bus stops to pick up students who are tardy.
  2. Students are expected to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before trying to board or depart.  If a student must cross a roadway, the student must wait for the driver to signal to the student when the driver has determined that all traffic has stopped.  Students must cross roadways at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, so that they are in full view of the driver.   This crossing procedure applies to students who are boarding and who are being discharged from a school bus. 
  3. Students must use the stair handrails when boarding and being discharged from a school bus.

4.   Students must obey all directions from the bus driver.

5.   Students must sit properly in their seats at all times when inside the school bus. If a driver

      or bus assistant assigns seats, students must sit in the assigned seat. Students are expected

      to utilize the authorized number of seats in each row (e.g., three (3) students per seat in

      most school buses), no more than one student may occupy a single seat.

6.   Students must use inside voices, also referred to as Level One voices, at all

      times in a school bus.  Students must refrain from any activity that is distracting

      to the driver.

7.   Students may not extend any object or body part out of an open bus window, or

      throw any object out of an open bus window or door.

8.   Students may not eat or drink while in a school bus, except with permission of

      the driver.

9.   Students may not transport any live animals, reptiles, insects, etc., in a school


10. Students are expected to keep aisles clear and to store personal items,

      including backpacks, on their laps or under their seats.

11. Students are expected to keep the school bus clean and sanitary.  A waste

      container is provided at the front of every school bus. students must use this

      waste container only when boarding or being discharged from the school bus.

12. One bus stop location for morning transportation, and one bus stop location for

      afternoon transportation, is assigned to each student.  In the morning, students

will be allowed to board, and in the afternoon students will be discharged only at

their assigned school bus stops.


JICC-R Student Conduct Expectations and Rules on School Buses.pdf (41 KB)


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