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JICD - Academic Honesty

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Academic Honesty

Code: JICD

Status: Active

Adopted: November 3, 2010

Last Revised: June 18, 2024





Academic honesty is an imperative quality  and expectation which is necessary to engage in rigorous academic work that will lead to achievement. Therefore, the Portland Public Schools hold the following expectations for academic honesty. Academic dishonesty can severely damage a student’s standing in the school community and impair their education. It can affect a student’s reputation among the faculty and peers; affect grades, college and employment opportunities; affect eligibility for awards and scholarships; and result in disciplinary action and/or other serious consequences.

This policy is intended to inform students, parents/legal guardians and faculty of expectations for academic honesty and consequences for violations of this policy. The policy does not attempt to describe every possible activity a student may engage in that could be considered academic dishonesty, but provides examples to guide student conduct.


Teachers are expected to review academic honesty expectations in a grade-appropriate manner at the beginning of the year or of each course.



1.      All school work completed by a student must be the student’s own work, except when clearly credited to another source in accordance with teacher and/or school standards.

2.      The use of generative AI, may be allowed or prohibited in certain circumstances depending on the lesson plan, as determined by the teacher. Generative AI is defined as a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can create content, including text, images and audio.  Any permitted use must include proper attribution and citation of the generative AI used.      


3.      A student shall not copy another student’s work on a test, class work, homework assignment or project and present it as the student’s own work.

4.      A student shall not present anyone else’s work (such as a parent/legal guardian, sibling, material obtained on the internet, from generative AI,      or from any other source) as the student’s own work. This includes work prepared for classes in the Portland Public Schools, work prepared for any outside classes that earn Portland Public Schools credits, and application materials for post-secondary institutions and employment.


5.      A student shall not possess, access or use any information during a test that is not permitted by the teacher. This includes, but is not limited to, books, “cheat sheets,” or information stored in or accessible through a cell phone, computer or any other electronic device. All electronic devices must be turned off and stored while a student is in class unless use is authorized by the teacher for instructional purposes.


6.      A student shall not invent or make up data, sources or any other information.


7.      A student shall not plagiarize. A student shall not copy the words or ideas (even if in different words) from a source without giving the source proper credit and citation, in the form required by the teacher and/or school. A “source” is the work of another person, whether in print, on the internet, generative AI, in audio, video, digital or any other form.


8.      A student shall not access, download, copy or distribute school materials such as tests or answer keys without explicit authorization from a teacher.


9.      A student shall not help another student to violate this policy (examples include, but are not limited to, providing answers; doing another student’s work; giving tips on how to cheat on a test; etc.).

10.  Parents are encouraged to show interest in and discuss school assignments with their children, but are asked to keep in mind that assignments should constitute their children’s own work.

11.  At their discretion, school employees may utilize software, web sites or other available technological tools to detect plagiarism.



1.      A student who violates this policy shall receive no credit for the work on which the violation occurred. The teacher shall notify the student’s parent/guardian about the violation.


2.      The building principal shall be notified of each violation and disciplinary measures may be imposed depending upon the circumstances of the particular case.


3.      In addition to disciplinary measures, other consequences may include the following:


a.       Removal from the National Honor Society (if applicable).

b.      Removal from the Honor Roll (if applicable).

c.       Removal of college or other recommendations (if applicable).

d.      Any other consequence deemed appropriate by the principal based upon the nature and seriousness of the violation.



Cross Reference:         IJNDB/IJNDB-R - Student Computer and Internet Use Policy/Rules Adopted:                                    November 3, 2010

Revised:                      June 18, 2024