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JICH-R - Drug and Alcohol Use by Students Procedures

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Drug and Alcohol Use by Students Procedures

Code: JICH-R

Status: Active

Revised: September 20, 2022




Administrative Procedures for Student Substance Use and Possession:


If a student is found in violation of the school substance use policy and is found in possession of, using, or under the influence, the following steps will be taken by school administrators:


1.    Parents/legal guardians shall be notified regarding the violation and required to pick up the student if under the influence.

2.    All prohibited products will be confiscated and disposed of by school personnel.

3.    A referral will be made for an evaluation by appropriate school personnel or other provider to determine the need for appropriate substance use counseling.

4.    A meeting with the student, an administrator, parent/guardian, and a school social worker or other appropriate staff will be held to determine the overall response plan.

5.    A response plan for a student caught using or possessing prohibited products will be based on the meeting, the assessment, best practice interventions for substance use, and available resources to address the needs of the student. The goal of the response plan is to promote positive engagement with the school community. The group will attempt to reach consensus on the plan, but in the event consensus is not possible or the parents/guardians and/or student refuse to complete the assessment, the administrator will make the final decision based on the following factors:

a.    Substance use treatment history

b.    History of other discipline problems

c.    Student attitude and responsibility for actions

d.    Level of involvement in school activities and academics

e.    Parental support for options

Administrators may choose from the following list of options to be included in the student’s response plan and the plan may be progressive in severity depending on the number of offenses the student has incurred:

a.    Meeting with the school social worker or other appropriate substance use counselor

b.    Substance use counseling or other support programs

c.    Community service

d.    Detention and/or Suspension as appropriate (may be reduced or eliminated based on completion of the response plan)


Administrative Procedures for Student Dispensing, Distributing, or Selling Substances:


If a student is found in violation of the dispensing, distributing, or selling substances policy the following steps will be taken by school administrators:


1.    Parents/legal guardians shall be notified regarding the violation.

2.    The Police Department may be notified in accordance with policy KLGB Law Enforcement Involvement in Student Matters. All prohibited substances will be confiscated by school personnel and may be turned over to the police.

3.    A referral will be made for an evaluation by appropriate school personnel or other provider to determine the need for appropriate substance use counseling.

4.    A meeting with the student, an administrator, parent/guardian, and a school social worker or other appropriate staff will be held to determine the overall response plan.

5.    A response plan for a student caught dispensing, distributing, or selling prohibited products may include suspension, in accordance with policy JKD Suspension, and may also be grounds for expulsion under other provisions of 20- A MRS § 1001 (9 and 9-A) that specifically prohibit the possession, furnishing and trafficking of scheduled drugs. Administrators may also choose from the following list of options to be included in the student’s response plan:

a.    Substance use counseling or other support programs with the school social worker or other appropriate substance use counselor



Community service



Cross Reference:     JICIA - Weapons, Violence, and Safety

JICH – Drug and Alcohol Use by Students JKD - Suspension of Students

JKE - Expulsion of Students

KLGB - Law Enforcement Involvement in Student Matters



Adopted: May 18, 2015

Revised: September 20, 2022

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