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JJIF - Student Concussions and Other Head Injuries

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Student Concussions and Other Head Injuries

Code: JJIF

Status: Active

 Adopted: February 26, 2013

Last Revised: March 3, 2015



The Board recognizes that concussions and other head injuries are serious and can potentially result in significant brain damage and/or death if not recognized and treated properly.  This policy is intended to promote awareness of this issue as well as the safety of students participating in school-sponsored athletic activities which may pose a risk of concussion or other head injuries.   This policy also applies to other school-sponsored activities which the Superintendent determines, in consultation with school staff, pose a risk of concussion or other head injury (hereafter referred to as “any other covered activities”).


The Superintendent shall ensure that all training, protocols and forms implemented in the school unit are consistent with materials promulgated by the Maine Department of Education.


  1. Staff Training  


All high school Co-Curricular Administrators and middle school Athletic Directors, coaches and other school personnel involved in school-sponsored athletics (and any other covered activities) shall receive training in the identification and management of concussions and other head injuries. 


All identified personnel will receive refresher training every two years, or whenever the Maine Department of Education recommendations, protocols and/or forms have been revised


  1. Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment


Students who intend to participate in school-sponsored athletics (and any other covered activities), and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to sign the School Department’s Concussion/Head Injury Acknowledgment Form each year.  Students may not participate in athletics (and any other covered activities) until the Acknowledgment Form is returned to the school.


  1. Removal of Students from Athletic or Other Covered Activities, Evaluations and Medical Clearance


Any student suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury in any school-sponsored athletic activity (and any other covered activities) must be immediately removed from the activity, practice or game.  A student suspected of having sustained a concussion or other head injury must receive a brain injury evaluation and written medical clearance from a licensed health care provider trained in concussion management prior to his/her being allowed to resume participation in the athletic activity (and any other covered activities).  Such return to participation may be gradual, and in all cases should be based on current accepted standards of care and the health care provider’s recommendations.


  1. Academic and Disability Considerations


Teachers and other school staff should be alert to possible cognitive and academic issues that a student who has suffered a concussion or other head injury may experience.  School staff shall permit adjustments to the academic day and/or expectations, consistent with a medical recommendation from the student’s health care provider. 


If a parent/guardian or school staff member suspects that a student’s concussion or other head injury may significantly impair a major life activity, the student shall be referred to the school unit’s 504 system for consideration as a person with a disability who may require a 504 Plan.  If the student is identified as having a disability as a result of a concussion or head injury, the student’s 504 Team shall address issues regarding participating and accommodations in school programs and activities as a result of that disability.  If a parent/guardian or school staff member believes that the student may need special education as a result of a concussion or other head injury, then the student shall be referred to special education.


  1. Concussion Policy  Management Team


The Superintendent will appoint a Concussion Policy Management Team to be responsible, under the supervision of the Superintendent, to make recommendations related to the implementation of this policy.  The Concussion Policy Management Team will include the school nurse and a high school Co-Curricular Administrator and middle school Athletic Director, and may include one or more principals or assistant principals, the school physician, and other school personnel or consultants as the Superintendent deems appropriate.


The team shall oversee and implement this policy and related protocols for concussions and other head injuries based on the generally accepted standards of care.  This team will identify the school personnel who shall be trained in concussion signs and symptoms and the school activities covered by this policy.


The policy and/or related protocols should be reviewed when generally accepted protocols change.



20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 254(17)

20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 1001(19)

Public Law Chapter 688 (2012)

JJIF -Concussions and Other Head Injuries.pdf (25 KB)