Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Policy on Therapeutic Restraint
Code: JKGB
Status: Active
Adopted: November 28, 2001
Portland Public Schools hereby authorizes school officials to use therapeutic restraint to the extent permitted by law and in a manner consistent with state law and regulations. The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for developing procedures for the use of therapeutic restraint. This policy and any accompanying procedures shall be reviewed at least annually by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and the Superintendent shall recommend to the School Committee any needed changes in this policy.
For purposes of this policy and any accompanying procedures, the terms “therapeutic restraint” shall have the following meaning.
Therapeutic Restraint is physical restraint of a student for the purpose of preventing that student from injuring him/herself or others when restraint is undertaken in accordance with an individualized, written plan that specifically calls for therapeutic restraint. Therapeutic restrain as defined in this policy and any accompanying procedures should be administered by personnel trained in that restraint.
Therapeutic restraint does not include any intervention by any school official that would otherwise be governed by state law on the use of reasonable force (20-A MRSA § 4009), which includes the use of a reasonable degree of force by school officials against a person who is creating a disturbance, when the official believes that force is necessary to control the disturbing behavior or to remove the person from the scene of the disturbance.
20-A MRSA §§ 4502(5)(M) and accompanying regulations
JKGB - Policy on Therapeutic Restraint.pdf (10 KB)
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