Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Local Wellness Policy - Administrative Procedures
Code: JL-A
Status: Active
Procedures for Implementation and Monitoring:
Coordinated School Health Programs Steering Committee (CSHPSC)
- The Superintendent/Designee shall appoint members at the start of each school year.
- Membership will include at least one representative of each of the eight components of the Coordinated School Health Programs.
- The School Board shall appoint one of its members annually.
- The CSHPSC shall meet at least four times per year.
- The School Health Coordinator or other Superintendent Designee shall facilitate the CSHPSC.
- Responsibilities include:
- Coordinate and support implementation of the Coordinated School Health Programs.
- Support the School Health Leadership Team, School Health Advisory Council, and school designated Wellness Teams in wellness-related policy implementation and monitoring.
- Support the Superintendent/Designee in required local, state, and federal reporting of wellness-related policies implementation.
- Provide feedback, direction, and support to District wellness-related initiatives.
- Provide input and direction in development of annual Coordinated School Health Programs work plan.
School Wellness Team
- Each school Principal shall designate a committee as the School Wellness Team. This committee may be:
- An existing Wellness Team,
- A newly created Wellness Team, OR
- Another existing committee that will be designated for Wellness initiatives as well.
- Membership of the designated Wellness Team should include representation of teachers, administrators, other staff, and students within the school. The Team may also include parent and other community representatives at the discretion of the Principal.
- The School Health Coordinator, or other Superintendent Designee, will communicate with Principals at the beginning of each school year to identify the designated Wellness Teams and contact information.
- The designated School Wellness Team will meet regularly throughout the school year.
- Each School Wellness Team will send at least one representative to the School Health Leadership Team meetings.
- Responsibilities include:
- Implementation and monitoring of Wellness-Related policies within the school building
- Communicate with the School Health Leadership Team wellness-related policy opportunities and challenges.
- Serve as the primary contact within the school for wellness related opportunities and information
- Support coordination of wellness initiatives within the school.
School Health Leadership Team (SHLT)
- Each School Wellness Team shall send at least one representative to participate on the SHLT.
- The SHLT shall meet at least two times during the school year.
- The School Health Coordinator or other Superintendent Designee shall facilitate the SHLT.
- Responsibilities include:
- Communicating with school wellness teams wellness-related policy opportunities and challenges.
- Serve as the primary contact for schools to access support and resources for wellness initiatives.
- Provide support and networking with other school wellness teams.
- Support coordination of wellness initiatives throughout the district.
- Communicate wellness policy implementation successes and challenges with the CSHPSC.
- Provide feedback, direction, and support for District wellness-related initiatives through the CSHPSC.
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
- The Superintendent/Designee shall appoint members at the start of each school year.
- Membership shall include at least one community representative of each of the eight components of the Coordinated School Health Programs.
- Membership shall include at least one parent representative from each school.
- Membership shall include at least one high school and one middle school student representative.
- The SHAC shall meet at least two times per year.
- The School Health Coordinator or other Superintendent Designee shall facilitate the SHAC.
- Responsibilities include:
- Serve as the primary contact for students, parents, and community members to access support and resources for wellness initiatives and express wellness-related concerns.
- Support and coordinate wellness initiatives throughout the district.
- Communicate wellness policy implementation successes and challenges with the CSHPSC.
- Provide feedback, direction, and support for District wellness-related initiatives through the CSHPSC.
Communication of Wellness Related Policy
- All wellness-related policies will be published in the District’s Policy Handbook, posted on the District’s Policy Website, and on the District’s Wellness web pages.
- The School Health Coordinator, or other Superintendent Designee, will provide SHLT representatives with supporting materials to communicate policy information with students, staff, and parents.
- Schools will communicate with parents, staff, and students regarding the wellness-related policy at least once per year. Such communication may include parent newsletters, student handbooks, back-to-school packets, school web pages, email, and/or any other means at the discretion of the Principal.
- The School Health Coordinator, or other Superintendent Designee, will coordinate timely community and press communication of policy implementation and monitoring with the CSHPSC, SHLT, SHAC, and District Administration as appropriate.
Wellness-Related Policies include, but are not limited to, Local Wellness Policy (JL), Competitive Foods Policy (EFE), Walking and Biking Policy, Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy,
Wellness-Related Initiatives - include, but are not limited to, the District’s Food Service Program, Safe Routes to School, Health and Physical Education curriculum, Local Foods, Maine Harvest Lunch, etc.
JL-A - Local Wellness Policy - Administrative Procedures.pdf (35 KB)
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