Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Local Wellness Policy
Code: JL
Status: Active
Adopted: October 18, 2006
Last Revised: April 11, 2017
Policy Statement:
The Portland Public Schools District is committed to developing students’ skills and behaviors that promote lifelong wellness. The School Board recognizes that a student’s readiness to learn is related to his/her physical and psychological well-being. The District is committed to creating healthy school environments that allow students to take full advantage of the educational programs offered at Portland Public Schools.
Nutrition Guidelines:
All food offered or sold on school grounds or off school grounds by a school-approved organization or program shall meet the requirements and nutrition standards of all applicable federal and state regulations and the District’s Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages Policy at all times.
Food or beverages shall not be used as a reward or incentive for students’ behavior or performance. The use of non-food items at classroom parties, school celebrations, and as fundraisers is encouraged.
To the extent possible, school meals shall include adequate time for eating (after sitting down, at least 10 minutes for breakfast and at least 20 minutes for lunch), should be scheduled at appropriate times (i.e. lunch between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.), will include access to free drinking water, will provide student access to hand washing and/or sanitizing, and in elementary schools lunch will be scheduled following a recess period.
Nutrition Education:
All students, K – high school, shall receive comprehensive health education, including nutrition education, that is aligned with applicable state and federal standards and as outlined in the District’s Health Education Policy (IHAM).
Nutrition Promotion:
All schools, K – 12, shall support strategies that promote healthy choices in cafeterias. This can include posters, education, taste tests, cooking demonstrations and physical changes to the lunchroom environment to promote the selection of healthier foods.
Physical Education and Physical Activity Opportunities:
All students, K-high school shall receive physical education that is aligned with applicable state and federal standards and as outlined in the District’s Curriculum Policy (IGA).
All students, K-12, shall have the opportunity to participate regularly in either organized or unstructured physical activity. Strategies that incorporate physical movement in the classroom and into routine daily activities are encouraged.
All students, K – 5, shall have the opportunity for a minimum of 30 minutes of daily physical activity, which may include recess, classroom activities, and/or physical education. Whenever possible, the daily recess period shall be scheduled before lunch. Schools shall have proper equipment and a safe area designated for supervised recess. Students shall not be denied physical activity periods, including recess and physical education, for remediation and/or enrichment in other content areas.
Schools are encouraged to use physical activity as rewards or incentives for students’ behavior or performance and as alternatives to food celebrations. Physical activity shall not be used or withheld as punishment or discipline as outlined in the Student Discipline Policy (JK).
Food and Beverage Marketing:
Only foods and beverages permitted to be sold on school grounds, in accordance with current USDA standards or any state law exceeding those standards, may be marketed on school grounds.
Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Wellness:
PPS highly values the health and well-being of every staff member and will support personal efforts by staff to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Schools are encouraged to implement wellness related programs and activities that are consistent with the Local Wellness Policy, conductive to students’ development of healthy eating and physical activity habits, and promote students’ readiness and ability to be successful learners. School Wellness Teams, consisting of school staff, students, families, and community members are the recommended model in which to develop and implement wellness related programming.
Implementation and Monitoring of Local Wellness Policy:
The Superintendent/Designee shall be responsible for the implementation of the Local Wellness Policy, for monitoring efforts to ensure that the intent of the local Wellness Policy is adhered to, and for reporting to the School Board and community. The Superintendent/designee shall report annually to the school board on the implementation of the local wellness policy including:
- Compliance of local schools with the local wellness policy
- How well the local wellness policy compares to model local wellness policies, and
- A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the local wellness policy.
Each building shall have a designated School Wellness Team that will be responsible for implementing and monitoring wellness-related policies and sending representation to the district’s School Health Leadership Team. The School Health Leadership Team shall be responsible for supporting and advocating for wellness-related policy implementation and monitoring between the District and individual schools. The District shall have a School Health Advisory Council that will be responsible for communicating and coordinating wellness-related policy implementation and monitoring with parents, students, and the community. The District shall have a Coordinated School Health Programs Steering Committee that will be responsible for working with the School Health Leadership Team and School Health Advisory Council to implement and monitor wellness-related policies, support the Superintendent/Designee in any required local, state, and federal wellness-related policy reporting; and determining the annual Coordinated School Health Programs work plan.
Any person who observes practices inconsistent with the Local Wellness Policy should contact the school principal. If inconsistencies are not adequately addressed, any person may contact the District School Health Coordinator and/or District Food Services Director. If inconsistencies are still not adequately addressed, any person may contact the Superintendent or designee for resolution.
The Local Wellness Policy will be reviewed and revised in accordance with the District’s Policy Review and Revision policy (NEPN/NSBA: BGC). The superintendent/designee shall permit the public to participate in the periodic review and update of the local wellness policy. The public will be informed about the content and implementation of the Local Wellness Policy when the policy is updated. The District’s Coordinated School Health Steering Committee will be responsible for coordinating input from the School Health Leadership Team and the School Health Advisory Council to the School Board regarding policy revision.
Cross References
Nutrition Standards for Foods and Beverages
EFE - Competitive Food Sales-Sales of Foods in Competition with The School Food Service Program
JL - Local Wellness Policy.pdf (49 KB)
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