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JLCC - Communicable or Infectious Diseases

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Communicable or Infectious Diseases

Code: JLCC

Status: Active

Adopted: January 3, 2007



Teachers shall be alert to signs of illness and communicable disease and refer students who show such symptoms to the school nurse.


All students under quarantine shall be excluded from school and school activities.  Quarantine regulations established by the Maine Center for Disease Control (Maine CDC) shall be observed.  The school nurse shall be responsible for notifying the local health department of all students having a communicable disease as required by law and Department of Education rules.  The building Principal shall be notified of all communicable disease cases and contacts in the school.


Students who have other types of communicable diseases shall be excluded from school as prescribed by law, or shall observe other protective procedures according to recommendations issued by the school physician.


When a student returns to school after having had a communicable disease, a certificate from the attending physician may be required.  The building principal and/or the school nurse must give permission before the student is readmitted to class.



22 MRSA §§ 801, 802, 806, 823, 824

20-A MRSA §§ 6301

20-A MRSA §§ 1001(11)(A)

5 MRSA § 19201 et seq


Cross References

JLCC - Communicable or Infectious Diseases

JLCC - Communicable or Infectious Diseases.pdf (10 KB)


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