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JLCD - Administration of Medication to Students

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Administration of Medication to Students

Code: JLCD

Status: Active

Adopted: November 20, 1985

Last Revised: May 16, 2007



The purpose of this policy is to provide for the safe administration of medications to students by school personnel and to provide for authorization of self-administration of medications for treatment of asthma and Epipens for allergic reactions.




“Administration” means the provision of prescribed medication to a student according to the orders of a health care provider.


“Health Care Provider” means a medical/health practitioner who has a current license in the State of Maine with a scope of practice that includes prescribing information.


“Medication” means prescribed drugs and medical devices that are controlled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as well as herbal and homeopathic substances ordered by a health care provider.


“Parent” means a natural or adoptive parent, a guardian, or a person acting as a parent of a child with legal responsibility for the child’s welfare.


It is the policy of Portland Public Schools that only essential medications will be administered to students in school.  Whenever possible, the schedule of medication administered should allow a student to receive all prescribed doses at home.


If it is necessary for a student to take medication during school hours, the school nurse or other trained person will administer the medicine in accordance with the following:


  1. The written request form Request to Administer Medication in School, or other school based form, must be completed annually by the parent and accompanied by a written order from a licensed health care provider.  These documents must be completed and submitted prior to the administration of the medication.  Exceptions: a)School Nurses may administer medications according to the Standing Orders signed by the School Physician; b) School staff may administer an Epipen to a student who is exhibiting signs of severe allergic reaction in an emergency situation in the absence of a signed form.


  1. The health care provider’s order must include: the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dose, the route and frequency of administration, the name of the prescribing health care provider, and any special instructions.


  1. The medication must be in an original, unbreakable pharmacy bottle with a current pharmacy label.


  1. The parent is responsible for providing the medication and the replenishment of the medication.


  1. The person administering the medication will participate in medication administration training with annual review and follow the directions on the prescription label and the provisions of this policy except as otherwise provided in this policy.


  1. Medication will be stored in a locked cabinet;


  1. The administration of each medication will be recorded by the person administering it.


  1. Changes in medication administration will be according to health care provider’s prescription.


  1. Parents are responsible for the timely removal of medication from school at the end of the school year or the last day of enrollment.  Any medication remaining after one (1) week of this date will be destroyed.




  1. Students with asthma, severe allergies and diabetes may carry and self-administer medications necessary for the treatment of that condition.  Such medications include:  glucagons, insulin, diphenhydramine (Benadryl), asthma medications and epinephrine.  The following conditions will be met:


    1. The medications must be prescribed and approved for independent use by a health care provider.
    2. The medications and necessary supplies must be provided and replenished by the parents.
    3. The principal, upon consultation with the school nurse, may revoke or limit a student’s permission to self-administer if the person demonstrates an inability to responsibly possess and/or self-administer the medication.


Field Trips


  1. School staff will notify the school nurse at least a week in advance of a field trip.  The school nurse will prepare medication and provide training to staff members who will be administering the medication.  The requirements of this medication policy will be followed. (See E on page 2)
  2. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school nurse of any medication that the student will need while on the field trip, complete the appropriate forms and provide the medications and any supplies needed to administer the medications.


Medication Error


If an error is made in administration of a medication, the school nurse will notify the child’s parent and the prescribing physician.  The incident will be documented in writing and forwarded to the School Nurse Coordinator.


Portland Public School staff may decline to administer a medication if the school nurse believes that administration would jeopardize student safety.  In this case, the school nurse will notify the parent, the student’s health care provider, and the building administrator.


JLCD - Administration of Medication to Students.pdf (19 KB)


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