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JLCD-E2 - Instructions for Parent or Guardian for Authorization of Medication

Book: J

Section: Students

Title: Instructions for Parent or Guardian for Authorization of Medication

Code: JLCD-E2

Status: Active




It is the policy of the Portland Public Schools that only essential medications will be administered to students in school.  Whenever possible, the schedule of medication administration should enable a student to receive all prescribed doses at home.


If it is necessary for a student to take medication during school hours, the school nurse or other trained person will administer the medication in accordance with the following:  .


            A.        Complete the Request to Administer Medication in School form and return it to the school office with the medication.  A physician’s prescription (current prescription label or signed note) will be required for prescription drugs and may be required for over the counter drugs.


            B.        Send the medication to the school office in an original, unbreakable pharmacy bottle with a current pharmacy label properly labeled with the name of the medication, date, dosage, time(s) to be administered, and the name of the student who is to receive it.


            C.        Medication sent to school should not exceed the dosage for one day unless prior arrangements have been made with the school nurse.


            D.        Refer to the complete Portland Public Schools Medication Policy (JLCD) as necessary or call the school nurse who serves your child’s school.



JLCD-E2 - Instructions for Parent or Guardian for Authorization of Medication.pdf (10 KB)


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